Example sentences of "[noun sg] to make representations " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , a landlord will be entitled to limit the authority of an agent to make representations and clauses 11.1 and 11.2 have been drafted with this in mind .
2 They may require assistance to make representations to the local authority .
3 Parents , who have no right to prevent an assessment , must be informed of the LEA 's proposal to assess the child , given the name of an officer of the LEA from whom further advice may be obtained , and notified of the right to make representations ( orally or in writing ) within a minimum period of 29 days from service of notice by the LEA .
4 The head teacher must also inform the parents ( or pupil , if aged 18-plus ) of their right to make representations about the exclusion to the LEA and/or governors .
5 Under the scheme of public assistance , a person refused a payment had the right to make representations to a local Public Assistance Committee ( PAC ) .
6 However , the question whether , apart from the undertaking , the association had a right to make representations was not in issue in that case .
7 Mr. Beloff submits that the first question we have to answer is : is there any known rule of natural justice that a person who is not the subject of an administrative decision should nevertheless have the right to make representations before the decision is made ?
8 It is convenient to consider the third and fourth issues together : has the prisoner the right to make representations before the Secretary of State sets the date for the first review , and has he a right to be told the judicial view of his tariff ?
9 Unless he does , the right to make representations is of little value : see Kanda v. Government of the Federation of Malaya [ 1962 ] A.C. 332 , 337 .
10 Zemstva could raise taxes and had the right to make representations to the central government .
11 8.15.1 The right to make representations
12 Whether this reflects poor drafting or a more leisurely attitude to the question of the right to make representations is unclear .
13 It may be of some importance to provide in the expert clause that the parties have the right to make representations .
14 Expert clauses which set out the procedure in more detail than providing that the parties have the right to make representations are probably not very helpful .
15 The trader has the right to make representations that the goods are safe and to have the notice revoked .
16 The parties are under no contractual obligation to allow each other to make representations to the auditor before he issues his certificate .
17 If the agency then acts differently it may be held to have acted unfairly and illegally , at least if it has not given the citizen a chance to make representations as to why he or she should be treated in the way expected .
18 The Model Forms of Rent Review Clause say that both the landlord and the tenant will have the chance to make representations to the valuer .
19 The refusal was associated with another decision by Seaton Valley UDC to allow Leech to make representations at a suitable time in the future when overall development was being considered .
20 It may be possible to prevent employees misrepresenting the effect of the terms by including a specific provision excluding their authority to make representations about the meaning or effect of the terms .
21 In Overbrooke Estates Ltd v Glencombe Properties Ltd [ 1974 ] 1 WLR 1335 it was held that a term excluding the authority of agents to make representations about the subject matter of the contract was not subject to the test of reasonableness in s3 of the Misrepresentation Act 1967 : its effect was to prevent the agent having apparent authority to make representations .
22 The effect of a term excluding the agents 's authority to make representations about the meaning or effect of the terms would appear to prevent the other contracting party claiming that the agent had any actual or apparent authority to make such statements .
23 Like Scotland , Wales does not have an independent Local Government Commission to make representations on future structure as is happening in England .
24 Files concerning his case and the unwillingness of the neutral Irish government to make representations are buried in the vaults of the Irish Foreign Office while Joyce scholars patiently await publication under new public record arrangements .
25 Elected full-time officers are on hand to make representations or answer queries on behalf of individual students .
26 Elected full-time officers are on hand to make representations or answer queries on behalf of individual students .
27 And , the memo went on , it was his duty to make representations about the conduct of the exam ‘ where that leaves something to be desired ’ .
28 The first requirement of natural justice is the right of the prisoner to make representations .
29 Thus if an individual is to be deprived of a benefit which was enjoyed in the past , and which he could legitimately expect to continue , or he has received assurances from the decision-maker that such a benefit will not be withdrawn without giving him some opportunity to argue the contrary , then in either instance an opportunity for the individual to make representations will be accorded .
30 A practice developed of allowing the individual to make representations and call witnesses before a panel of three people who would advise the Secretary of State .
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