Example sentences of "[be] made look [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Having been made to look stupid , he let us go without even checking up on the tax or the tyre .
2 Besides , he probably felt that he 'd been made to look foolish , and men do hate that .
3 Dogs are polymorphic in appearance because they have been made to look different by selective breeding controlled by their human masters .
4 Thin hair can be made to look fuller by using the right products .
5 Certainly , it can be made to look busy enough .
6 Fear of failure or being made to look foolish in front of others ( especially patients and junior staff ) .
7 Mary said , ‘ Even the stupid hate being made to look foolish ! ’
8 ( How I loved you when you said to Lord Byron , ‘ Even the stupid hate being made to look foolish ! ’ ! )
9 Berge and the entire Mitterrand government were made to look complete fools when , a few weeks later , he was appointed to succeed Sir Georg Solti as head of the Chicago Symphony — arguably the great powerhouse of American orchestras .
10 International players were made to look foolish as the ball swirled capriciously in the wind that howled around the ground from start to finish .
11 If the greatest and richest in the land were exempted from the indignity of assessment , so many of the poorest were simply overlooked that every list ended up short of about one-third of the men it should have included , and since almost all of these were worth less than £2 the general level of wealth is made to look higher than it really was .
12 Abraham is made to look foolish .
13 The whole scene is made to look erotic , romantic , all these young types — what 's that got to do with a can of Coke ?
14 During Mr John Major 's brief tenure he was made to look foolish on his one co-starring trip — the Commonwealth conference in Kuala Lumpur — by the Prime Minister 's repudiation of the South African statement he had negotiated .
15 During Mr John Major 's brief tenure he was made to look foolish on his one co-starring trip — the Commonwealth conference in Kuala Lumpur — by the Prime Minister 's repudiation of the South African statement he had negotiated .
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