Example sentences of "[be] done [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Such major physical impacts are fairly easy to assess , but not enough work has yet been done to assess the effect of visitors on wildlife itself , though it is known that shy species will decline , while common species will often increase , and that fauna both on land and in water will decline faster than flora ( Liddle and Scorgie , 1980 ) .
2 However , although the UK government and others have a variety of policies designed to encourage and stimulate innovation , rather little has been done to assess the effectiveness of these measures , or to consider them in a broader context of structural change and adjustment in a mature industrial economy .
3 Noting that despite the evidence of academic and government reports , which had pointed to widespread discrimination against young blacks , very little had been done to remedy the position , Scarman concluded that : ( a ) many young blacks believed that violence was an effective means of protest against their conditions ; and ( b ) far from the riots being a meaningless event , they were ‘ essentially an outburst of anger and resentment by young black people against the police ’ ( Scarman , 1981 , paras .
4 Most of this increase stems directly from government policies and , although some extra resources have been allocated for 1990/91 and 1991/92 , little has been done to remedy the situation .
5 ‘ This is apparently against prison regulations , but little seems to have been done to enforce the rule . ’
6 What has been done supplies the framework of justification for what is to be done .
7 She guessed that , whatever had been done to minimise the damage , he 'd have a headache by now , and she could n't stop herself feeling an immediate pang of sympathy .
8 It was obvious that the plane had been repainted before its journey and Whitlock suddenly wondered if it had been done to erase the memories of the previous regime .
9 Nothing , however , had been done to implement the proposals when , in March 1778 , the French signed a treaty of friendship with the Americans .
10 It can be used to cast off a group of stitches at , say , the last row of the shoulder ( when the shaping has been done using the holding position ) .
11 It believes more should have been done to ease the severity of the jobless situation .
12 William Osborne 's project manager , Steve Answell , who was responsible for master-minding the nine-month building phase , commented ‘ The amount of detailed investigation and the thoroughness with which it has been done represents the most comprehensive thinking that has ever gone into a new lifeboat in all the thirty years I have been associated with building them . ’
13 Nothing of any depth has been done to give the wider public , and especially young people , a cultural background or rather , an educational training , which transcends mere entertainment or spectacle .
14 Nothing had been done to prettify the site as at Sizewell , on the Suffolk coast , or to produce the pleasantly laid-out grounds of smooth lawn , flowering trees and shrubs which so agreeably impressed him on his periodic visits to Winfrith in Dorset .
15 Indeed this is what should have been done to stop the actions of the buffer stock Manager .
16 All in all David and I agreed that not enough work has been done to merit the meeting in Barcelona in the week beginning 10 July .
17 In the intervening year , nothing has been done to right the wrongs of the decade , so what profit has been gleaned in the first year of the new leadership of the Conservative party ?
18 While everyone agrees that far more could , and should , have been done to contain the AIDS epidemic , the key issue now is that positive steps can still be taken .
19 Unfortunately , no systematic research has been done to determine the typical voice settings of speakers of Caribbean Creoles or of members of the Caribbean community in Britain .
20 The term is problematic , and to date very little work has been done to determine the means by which it is possible to reach qualitative judgements about dramatic characters .
21 There was confirmation from Cathery , not only that this was true , but that , in the absence of Wilson in America , everything possible had been done to meet the complaints of the Southampton Branch .
22 Finally , you must always ask yourself " What could have been done to prevent the crisis ?
23 This has been done to increase the incentives the higher income groups have to work harder .
24 Although a good deal has by now been written about the language and putative language problems of Caribbean children in British schools , remarkably little research has actually been done to study the linguistic behaviour of Caribbeans in Britain .
25 Many other hon. Members are equally grateful for what has been done to ensure the future of the TA in their areas .
26 Nothing else need to have been done to overcome the current problems which the Home Secretary has been facing in the last year or two .
27 Nor has much been done to attack the soft commissions ( payments in kind ) given to fund managers to attract their business .
28 soc : And I suppose you 'd like more of the same so you can go on pinpointing variation and replicate the studies which have been done to show the same thing in different places , or maybe to include a few more explanatory variables in your statistical model ?
29 Little seems to have been done to repair the various bridges and now , — " Ballinaby having presented to this Meeting an Estimate of a Bridge to be built upon the water of Saligo …
30 In two decades remarkably little has been done to alleviate the conditions of some of the poorest city citizens , who personified the unacceptable face of the urban crisis , even if the terms of the debate itself have changed dramatically .
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