Example sentences of "[be] done at [art] " in BNC.

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1 When Queenie talks about the increased expenditure on recreation from nineteen eighty to now , that 's quite right , there has been a huge increase in spending , and that 's because the Labour Council was committed to improving recreation facilities in the City , and it did n't continue the appalling record that the Conservative administration had had before of virtually no recreational facilities , it invested in recreation facilities — you listed them yourself — and of course those facilities have to be paid for and on when we have stood for election we 've always made it clear that we want to provide quality services , but of course that they have to be paid for , and so the second point that you then made was that , you know , our budget 's gone up beyond belief , well I mean this year it 's being cut by two million pounds , last year it was a standstill budget , and erm that has been done at a time when in fact Central Government has been transferring responsibilities from Central Government onto Local Government without increasing , indeed at the same time decreasing the amount of Central Government grant that 's gone to local councils .
2 Tite and Donaldson closed the meeting with a half-hearted suggestion that a new competition could be organized among the prize-winners as had been done at the new library at Cambridge .
3 The British Museum 's engraving of Derwentwater published by him in Manchester might have been done at the time of Yates ' map-making after West 's encouragement , but it is very poor .
4 On the basis of this , it is submitted that the question of subsidiarity is essentially a political question for the Council , and if the Council decided to act at the Community level it would not be possible to challenge what it did simply on the basis that it could better have been done at the level of the Member States ; rather , it would be necessary to show a manifest error , a misuse of power or a clear passing of the limits of discretion , and it is submitted that the occasions when this might be done will be rare .
5 The visitor will see that much work has indeed been done at the south eastern side of Levers Water .
6 The act must have been done at the promisors ’ request : the parties must have understood that the act was to be remunerated either by a payment or the conferment of some other benefit : and payment , or the conferment of a benefit , must have been legally enforceable had it been promised in advance .
7 Since then , the directors have done little other than line their own pockets , award themselves enormous pay increases and indulge in dodgy share options , all of which has been done at the expense of the domestic customer , whose bill has gone up by 40 per cent .
8 ( 8 ) Has any work to the seller 's knowledge been done at the property requiring planning permission or Building Regulations consent ?
9 Mr Saunders goes on to admit that broadcasters are not entirely blameless in this respect : ‘ More should no doubt have been done at an earlier stage in development of RDS to give the receiver manufacturing industry some guidelines setting out the minimum levels of RDS performance that should be achieved ’ .
10 Can it be done at a different time ?
11 Can it be done at a different place ?
12 The owners of steelworks would contract with a master craftsman for a particular job to be done at a particular price .
13 Local newspapers ran campaigns focusing on what needed to be done at a grass roots level and the region 's evening paper , the Liverpool Echo , mounted an unprecedented campaign , culminating in its ‘ Drugs : A Generation in Peril ’ series during September 1984 .
14 It is important , however , to ensure that any move from the present regime to a simplified system should be done at a pace that minimizes the dislocation of people 's personal finances .
15 Local printing will be done at a minimum of 400dpi and more likely 800dpi while bulk reproduction will be from high speed photocopier derivatives that provide double-sided printing , collation and finishing .
16 We recognise that the bulk of actual recruitment spade work will be done at a local level , but , apart from a few heroic efforts , the branches were not up to it .
17 This should be done at a fairly early stage . ’
18 Distribution of Investment Overviews should be done at no cost to the initiating member or his client .
19 Besides building an 18-hole golf course , and charging trainers to exercise their horses on the track , he is instigating another new concept in this country by constructing American-style barns so that training can be done at the track as it is in the United States .
20 It must be done at the time .
21 It would be done at the Stanford synchrotron Radiation Laboratory ( SSRL ) which is fed by electron beams from one of SLAC 's two storage rings .
22 The intercutting of parallel actions — which can be shot at different times and in different places — can all be done at the editing stage , and you are free to try your hand at risky shots safe in the knowledge that any failures can be edited out later .
23 A behaviour that can not be done at the same time as the problem behaviour .
24 He had brought Kate with him , leaving Massingham to supervise what remained to be done at the church .
25 It is not certain whether this should be done at the integration stage ( 4.2 ) or the revision stage ( 4.4 ) , which is why the subject is raised here .
26 The urgency with which these facilities are required is dependent on whether the cross-reference correction is to be done at the integration stage ( 4.2 ) or at the revision stage ( 4.4 ) .
27 We are still , however , a long way from a socialist feminist policy on housing , and much more work needs to be done at the theoretical and political level .
28 But this can only be done at the international airport and with the original exchange receipts .
29 ‘ Everything should be done at the double ’ , he explained , and ‘ there should be a maximum of hard work and a minimum of amusement . ’
30 But this can only be done at the price of a restriction of body size .
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