Example sentences of "[be] taken [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Rectal and vaginal cultures should be taken during a multiple pregnancy and if these yield group B streptococcus , prophylaxis should be started during labour .
2 Furthermore , central committee members from the Bosnia-Hercegovina LC staged a walkout in the course of the session after LCY presidium president Milan Pancevski ( Macedonia ) and acting presidium secretary Petar Skundric ( Serbia ) had tried to insist that a decision on resuming the congress be taken without a quorum .
3 Secondly , there is the problem of the Northern catholic community , which tends to be taken as a monolithic nationalist community .
4 Now North had the problem - would Three Spades be taken as a probe for no-trumps ( denying a guard in the suit ) or some sort of control-showing bid agreeing hearts ?
5 The significance of an offer of compensation is that it may be taken as a token of the defendant 's remorse , and that it redresses the private loss of the victim , and to that extent and no other it plays a part in the sentencing exercise .
6 This should be taken as a message both to the Western allies and the Soviet Union that West Germany 's first concern is the gradual , well-disciplined reform of East German society , not the country 's destruction and its absorption into West Germany .
7 Charlie 's crack could be taken as a compliment and as such , to the relief of George and Jack , Maurice took it .
8 The implication was that Gen Noreiga 's bravado could in no legal sense be taken as a declaration of hostilities .
9 Indeed , West German officials in Brussels find that the prospect of German unity can make it easier to extract concessions from Bonn : the words ‘ but minister , this will be taken as a sign of German nationalism ’ work wonders .
10 In his speech , on 28 April 1939 , Hitler provided the following catalogue of achievements which , in the view of most ordinary Germans , could only be taken as a breathtaking list of personal successes :
11 The previous sentence could be taken as a definition of the word ‘ reinforcing ’ .
12 The spirit of our times does not believe in the sacrifice of private happiness for public duty , and this can be taken as a sign of moral decline .
13 Their habits have probably always been similar , and if survival is to be taken as a measure of success , their conservative way of life has ensured them of a leading place in the evolutionary marathon .
14 If fruits , trees , and plants are images of labour for Mary Leapor , these lines can be taken as a criticism of owners reorganizing the land .
15 ‘ Mopsus ’ can be taken as a comic piece .
16 This could be taken as a minor concession to advertising , except that the explicit statement at the beginning of the book seems related to an exclusion from the first volume of almost all the poems embodying Leapor 's sharpest social criticism .
17 The illustration should not be taken as a forecast , and the actual policy proceeds may be higher or lower than the amounts illustrated , depending on future investment conditions .
18 The illustration should not be taken as a forecast and the actual policy proceeds may be higher or lower than the amounts illustrated , depending on future investment conditions .
19 Fifteen yards can be taken as a minimum , and forty yards to fifty yards as an average .
20 Agriculture 's share in total output and employment can often be taken as a guide to a country 's stage of economic development .
21 However , the continuation of a tradition of appointed local boards can not be taken as a vote of confidence in their predecessors .
22 Any deviation from this in practice would be taken as a constraint , the analysis having revealed where such constraints are necessary so they can be taken into account when carrying out the audit .
23 Geography in Humanities Combined may be taken as a major , joint or minor subject with : Asian Studies , English , European Studies , French , History , Irish , Media Studies , Philosophy , or Theatre Studies ; or , as a major subject only , with German .
24 In both cases decisions may have to be taken as a result of the information collected .
25 Also energy requirements vary with body size and how active you are , so the figures quoted above should be taken as a rough guide .
26 Any touch of white on their black coats might be taken as a sign that they were not , after all , cats consecrated to the Devil .
27 As this institution has now become purely a slanging match ( unfortunately the only time guaranteed to attract a full complement of Members ) , how can it possibly be taken as a serious part of governing the country .
28 His prescription for success in the desert — ‘ Wave a Sherif in front of you like a banner and hide your own mind and person ’ — could be taken as a motto for Indirect Rule .
29 Our table lists the factor that influences most choices — the price per gallon — but this should not be taken as a measure of value for money merely as an indicator of price .
30 Many of the theories may be taken as a kind of realignment of astronomical perspectives ; a process of taxonomic refinement .
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