Example sentences of "[be] seen [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 However , such groups possess a wider significance if they are seen either as representing the last stages of a long , discreditable history , or as one of the means by which this history is transmitted into the future .
2 Such Conventions are seen primarily as facilitators of international trade rather than as instruments of social policy .
3 Thus organisms are seen primarily as means by which strands of DNA are reproduced through succeeding generations .
4 On the " substantial " interpretation , they are seen simply as relating to certain terms which if substituted for variables in the relevant propositional schemata yield ( contextually ) true propositions , irrespective of whether or not such terms stand for actually existing objects .
5 Many , perhaps most , of these objects are seen now as ‘ works of art ’ , in one sense justly , because of their fine workmanship , but in another sense misleadingly , since their primary function , especially in this area of reproduction and deliberate circulation , was evidently religious or ideological .
6 Because agents are seen merely as the supports of this structure , their intentional properties do not enter into social explanation ; and because its various components are interdetermined , the economic sphere does not have the straightforward primacy that economism requires .
7 Footballers are seen simultaneously as representatives of a club and its traditions , of a community and its collective sensibility and most importantly of a sport beloved by young and impressionable people .
8 Several remains of treatment plants can be seen here as well as the quarries themselves .
9 As Christians , our lives are to be seen primarily as service offered to the Lord .
10 In the end , the rising should probably be seen primarily as religious and political in character , although certain sectors of it , notably those in Westmorland and Craven , were concerned with such agrarian matters as enclosures and the rate of entry fines .
11 The empirical work may be seen broadly as implementing the simple framework set out in Section 9–1 ( applied to current rather than lifetime income ) .
12 But there was no ambivalence in other writers : Quinney ( 1975 ) insisted that the criminal law must be seen simply as ‘ a coercive means of enforcing the capitalist social and economic order on an unwilling populace ’ , and added :
13 The great spread of drug-taking among the young during this time can also be seen either as ‘ doing it for kicks ’ or looking for a road out of materialistic culture .
14 Opening up the printing trade to women could be seen either as the unscrupulous recruitment of low-paid labour or as the expansion of opportunities for educated working-class girls .
15 Many other obstacles to review , such as collusive disregard of inconvenient problems , when management of an institution prefers not to recognize a problem , and a course team does not want to be seen either as having problems , or as inconveniencing management , must be addressed by incorporating external expertise into the review process at judicious points .
16 The situation can be seen either as successive waves of colonists from old established centres filling in the landscape with daughter settlements , or as a scatter of settlements , some of which develop while others remain unaltered .
17 In this section the object is to examine in some detail the important preliminary issue of why the debate should be one about the public interest in the first place , and why company law should not be seen instead as being solely concerned with the rights of the corporators , that is , the shareholders .
18 The application does nothing to retain the existing trees on the site , it was a , it is , a mature garden with some mature trees , and all those trees are to be removed , it certainly does n't do anything to retain the rural character of the na of the village , and certainly does n't enhance the character of the adjoining small er rural cottages , i in fact it would be , it could be argued that it damages the rural environment , because the development is such that it is more suited for an urban development , almost a city centre , because the comment has been made that there is only about a metre between the dwellings and indeed there is only a metre between the dwellings and the adjoining boundaries , surely there is a need for screening , it is in a in a very very prominent position , it can be seen clearly as you enter the village from the Farnsfield area , the present proposal does n't provide sufficient room for screening , and and like the screen which is adjacent to this building , which are set well back from the road , and provide an opportunity for screening the single access to the site and the fact that the frontage to these two properties is completely taken up with garaging and with vehicle access does n't even provide an opportunity to screen .
19 These agencies may be seen alternatively as implementers that affect the character of policy or as independent creators of policy forever in a relationship of tension with the ‘ centre ’ .
20 Walsingham and Knighton also attempted to blame Wyclif and the Lollards for propagating revolt , but this must be seen only as scaremongering by the established order in the Church , attempting to tar the socially conservative academic heretic with the brush of revolution .
21 A career that spanned seven years at Oldham and four years with Hibs can now be seen only as preparation for the place where , and the time when , Goram would reach a higher plane of achievement .
22 It could be seen therefore as its own safeguard provided by the people against a particular form of exploitation of the people ; and hence as something to be excepted on pragmatic grounds from the general case for nationalisation or municipalisation .
23 At its lowest level , the beakers could be seen merely as souvenirs bought at the markets , which sprang up round the arenas and race-tracks at festival times .
24 From this perspective , in imposing negligence liability the court can be seen merely as upholding private rights , and that is hardly an ‘ intrusion ’ .
25 Female sexuality and reproduction were seen particularly as representative of the mortality that separates us from the eternal and binds us to temporal corruptible life .
26 Whatever social and political abuses Herod might perpetrate , these were seen merely as symptoms of a much more profound dilemma — the dilemma of a people who had been abandoned by their God .
27 Relief operations in the wake of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait [ see pp. 37631-41 ; 37697 ; 37988 ] were considered to be only marginally the concern of the UNHCR , being seen primarily as the evacuation of third-party nationals to their home countries , rather than the repatriation of refugees .
28 In the procedure of associated spaces , however , link B is seen computationally as only a special entity in the reference space , containing all the entities describing link A. Rotation of A by 450 is achieved by rotating the entire sub-model space .
29 The well-known statement in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is seen traditionally as the beginning of modern Sussex , the land of the South Saxons , or ‘ Australes Saxones . ’
30 Thus social reality is seen always as in a state of becoming something else . '
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