Example sentences of "[be] at an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then it seems we 're at an impasse until … ’ began Rohmer .
2 On the IBM 360 range restrictions are placed on which sets of consecutive bytes may be considered to form a word-oriented unit ; thus the left-hand byte of a half-word must be at an even address , that of a full-word must be at an address divisible by four , and so on .
3 If the symbols for mem and gimmel have become differentiated for Hebrew readers during the course of their previous experience with this alphabet , these subjects should be at an advantage on both test tasks — an enhanced ability to discriminate between the two Hebrew symbols should be helpful in both cases .
4 Older workers tend to be at an advantage when applying for jobs in today 's labour market simply because they belong to a generation which had fewer years of schooling .
5 You will be at an advantage if you know a little about the person who will interview you before you arrive .
6 Furthermore , those with the most resources , the most bargaining counters , will be at an advantage ; the organized , the wealthy and the privileged are likely to gain while the problems of the unorganized , the poor and the underprivileged may be given insufficient attention .
7 The risk of injury might become so great that the timid fighters , which never get hurt because they always run away first , might then be at an advantage .
8 I do not make any apology for accepting that single millionaires will be at an advantage in that situation , but the millions of people on lowish incomes , particularly the retired , will be penalised most .
9 To help mark the anniversary a facsimile of the mummy , produced by a new British technique , will be at an exhibition called Face to Face with Tutankhamun , in Dorchester , Dorset , tomorrow .
10 For instance , it must be at an undervalue and made at a time when the company was unable to pay its debts , the company must be in the course of being wound up in England or subject to an administration order , and so on .
11 The potential threat of the conveyance to the wife and new husband being put aside if the sale to the new husband could be considered to be at an undervalue must be borne in mind ( see p5 and Insolvency Act 1986 , s339 ) .
12 Now at Thorsbury she and Victoria often rode to the fields to watch the men labouring and when it was clear that the work of leading and stacking the corn would soon be at an end , she kept the child entranced with stories of the Harvest Suppers of her youth .
13 But there the EFTA 's work would be at an end .
14 Respectable England was haunted by the feeling that ‘ the safety of society would soon be at an end ’ and that the ‘ dangerous classes ’ were gaining the upper hand because of the weakened authority of the law .
15 However , American involvement would be at an end .
16 Cold War tensions might be at an end but did the Soviets not retain a huge nuclear arsenal , and how quickly could Strategic Arms Reduction Talks ( START ) be expected to progress ?
17 Criminal Justice ( Administration ) Act , s. 4 : ‘ ( 1 ) It shall be lawful for the Director of Public Prosecutions … in any criminal proceedings … to enter a nolle prosequi to such proceeding … and thereupon the proceedings shall be at an end . … ’
18 Even if you succeed in building up a good practice as a junior your troubles will not be at an end , because at that point in your career you will have to decide whether to apply for silk .
19 ‘ If we can find L.L. , the mystery may be at an end , ’ he said .
20 If he was , and I could catch him , perhaps our difficulties would be at an end .
21 If it is felt that incapacity should be at an end an unannounced visit to the claimant may be necessary .
22 His earlier black mood , the brooding silences , seemed to be at an end .
23 With Republican resistance decimated , General Franco unilaterally declared the war to be at an end .
24 Now in a short time he would be gone , and the era that had begun in the 1960S with the triumvirate of Harold Wilson , George Brown and myself would be at an end .
25 Under the general law of contract ( on which see Chitty on Contracts , Chapter 24 ) repudiation gives the other party the right to treat the contract as being at an end and to claim damages for wrongful termination : the alternative right to insist on performance would be meaningless in this context .
26 There is nothing in the Act to confer immunity on a conveyance or transfer carried out to comply with a court order , but the existence of the wife 's right to financial relief against her husband may provide sufficient value to prevent the transaction being at an undervalue within the context of the Insolvency Act 1986 ( see Berry and Bailey , Bankruptcy Law and Practice Butterworths 1987 , p294 ) .
27 Afterwards I was very glad that we had n't , still being at an age to believe that there is something intrinsically precious in virginity , and I decided to carry mine intact to the altar .
28 They were at an age when one often does not like eating very much ; and the Greeks , a poor race with memories of starvation , like their children to be well fed , and to be seen to be well fed .
29 The apparent settlement had followed the intervention of the Governor-General , who had threatened , when the negotiations were at an impasse on March 15 , that he would use his powers to appoint a Prime Minister and to call another election .
30 The new tenants moved into the house at once , and the arrival soon afterwards of their servant Peggy Marsh and young Basil Montagu was final confirmation that the Racedown years were at an end .
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