Example sentences of "[be] that [noun pl] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The principles of mutual aid are that members should be involved in a reciprocal supportive role .
2 The conclusions drawn are that perforations should be shot with the biggest charges possible , large negative pressure differentials , and that there needs to be a high shot density ; also that the mud weight over-balance — that is , the degree of pressure maintained above the reservoir 's natural pressure — during drilling should be as low as possible ; and that losses of fluids and solids to the productive reservoirs should never be accepted as a matter of course .
3 Examples of these unwritten rules are that parents should play with their children , or that one should respond in the appropriate manner to a ‘ good morning ’ greeting .
4 The only criteria are that applicants must be healthy , aged between 18 and 40 , and weigh over eight stones .
5 The only criteria are that applicants must be aged between 18 and 40 and weigh over eight stones .
6 The new proposals are that individuals should be taxed on all their income on a common current year basis and taxpayers who are sent returns could choose whether to assess themselves .
7 Okay , the first signs are that schoolchildren will be studying a mixture of Shakespeare , Dickens and Jane Austen .
8 Indications are that costs will compare favourably with , for instance , the cost of a bed in a private nursing home ; additional benefits of a local authority specialist unit may be the ability to provide services such as carers ' support , home care , day care , despite staff training to maximise the use of staff and buildings It is always more difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of preventive services but the higher cost of specialist provision may be offset if it has a preventive role in the wider community .
9 Limitations of this system at present are that subjects can only be studies in the supine position within the magnet , thus imposing constraints on both posture and movement .
10 Estimates are that waves could supply up to one fifth of our electricity demand .
11 The reasons are that banks may choose to hold a different liquidity ratio ; customers may not take up all the credit on offer ; and there may be no simple liquidity ratio given the range of near money assets .
12 Fears are that callers will be held in a queue as they are now for Directory Enquiries .
13 The BMA working party refers to ‘ alternative medicine ’ — misleading terminology since the medical establishment 's greatest fear in the past has been that therapists would influence patients to treat it as just that and reject orthodox medicine .
14 Their message had been that boats should stay at least a quarter of a mile away from the whales and that sonar should never be used .
15 The advantage would be that students could transfer between colleges .
16 We do it when we decide that the sibling rule — that a child can attend the same school as a brother or sister — does not apply ( the assumption here must surely be that siblings can belong to different species ) .
17 The starting point will be that teachers should know what will be expected of them .
18 The important thing seems to be that teachers should be aware of this conflict and take some steps to resolve it , and this involves some kind of negotiation between teacher and pupils .
19 The hope seems to be that nurses will be better prepared and better enthused to address the nursing needs of society without the shackles placed on them by an outmoded system of training .
20 The moral of the Punchline cartoon in NI 174 seems to be that bibles should not be offered to anyone who is short of basic necessities .
21 The value of the offer made by the bonorum emptor would certainly have taken into account the fact that the land was subject to trust ; the consequence of the lower offer would be that creditors would receive rather less than if no trust existed .
22 Roger : Ministers have declared new rules or constraints in advance but one rule will definitely be that employers must not sack other employees so that they can take on Workstart participants .
23 In these cases it may be that searches may have to rely on matches with length , shape and first letter .
24 The underlying principle will be that centres will have maximum delegated authority which is compatible with the Council 's responsibility to ensure nationally recognised standards .
25 Example 4 still remains a problem , but it may be that books could be suggested as more likely than boots from semantic co-occurrence information , or from frequency of use from a corpus ( books is five times more likely to occur than boots ) , especially if weighted from a count of occurrence in the script recognised so far .
26 The message seems to be that librarians must determine the most accurate methods for studying use in their own libraries , and carry out their own research .
27 These figures do not allow any sum for interest and therefore it may be that calculations will have to be made by council to include that figure or alternatively I am informed that both parties wish to consider the possibility of the incorporation of this judgement into a structured settlement .
28 Mr Murray explained that the aim would be that loans should be repaid within a relatively short time .
29 One of the tests of the success of this training in " picture reading " will be that pupils will gradually spend more and more time looking at the picture , and " reading " it at various levels ( see Box 4 ) .
30 It may be that individuals can satisfy their needs outside the organisation altogether .
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