Example sentences of "[be] that [noun] should " in BNC.

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1 The principles of mutual aid are that members should be involved in a reciprocal supportive role .
2 The conclusions drawn are that perforations should be shot with the biggest charges possible , large negative pressure differentials , and that there needs to be a high shot density ; also that the mud weight over-balance — that is , the degree of pressure maintained above the reservoir 's natural pressure — during drilling should be as low as possible ; and that losses of fluids and solids to the productive reservoirs should never be accepted as a matter of course .
3 Examples of these unwritten rules are that parents should play with their children , or that one should respond in the appropriate manner to a ‘ good morning ’ greeting .
4 The new proposals are that individuals should be taxed on all their income on a common current year basis and taxpayers who are sent returns could choose whether to assess themselves .
5 Their message had been that boats should stay at least a quarter of a mile away from the whales and that sonar should never be used .
6 Opinion in Texas prison circles , with hindsight , seems to be that TDC should simply have admitted that various provisions for prisoners were unsatisfactory and inadequate .
7 The starting point will be that teachers should know what will be expected of them .
8 The important thing seems to be that teachers should be aware of this conflict and take some steps to resolve it , and this involves some kind of negotiation between teacher and pupils .
9 The moral of the Punchline cartoon in NI 174 seems to be that bibles should not be offered to anyone who is short of basic necessities .
10 Mr Murray explained that the aim would be that loans should be repaid within a relatively short time .
11 The criteria adopted by the Court of Appeal in Newell ( 1980 ) were that courts should only take account of characteristics with which the provocation was concerned ; permanent characteristics such as race and , probably , religion may be taken into account , but transient conditions such as intoxication and exhaustion may not .
12 Our proposals were that SERPS should be abolished and that the second pension should come from a variety of new options in the private sector which we would make available .
13 The Pope 's theory is that priests should be specially educated to arm themselves with ‘ more than supernatural means ’ against possible temptation .
14 Otherwise it may be difficult to appreciate how very natural it is that things should have turned out as they did . )
15 The first of these elements is that budgets should be objective in that they relate directly to fulfilling the objectives of the organisation .
16 Armstrong 's other concern is that budgets should be tightly tied to the information strategy , and his department is not far advanced with that .
17 The answer sometimes given is that murderers should be treated differently because they are particularly dangerous : anyone who chooses to kill once can choose to kill again .
18 His conclusion , probably acceptable to most parliamentarians , is that Ukraine should ratify START 1 now , but should hold on to the 46 missiles which that treaty does not cover ( though the Lisbon protocol does ) , and delay accession to the NPT .
19 The implication , write Blake and Mouton , is that managers should aim for the 9,9 combination , a ‘ goal-centred team approach that seeks to gain optimum results through participation , involvement , commitment and conflict-solving of everyone who can contribute . ’
20 The standard formulation of the proper objective of management in the economics literature is that managers should seek to maximise the value of the firm , that is , the value of the residual after all fixed claims , such as those of the providers of loan finance and of employees , have been met .
21 What is rather more strange is that Jenkins should portray the postponement of the positivist revolution as being an anti-radical step .
22 The political implication is that blacks should be self-assertive and proud of their black identity and not rely on well-meaning attempts to assimilate them into white society .
23 We further agree with retributivists , denunciationists and Justice Model theorists that one valid general principle for the distribution of punishment is that offenders should be punished at least roughly in proportion to the moral gravity of their offences .
24 The second limb of natural justice is that decisions should be made free from bias or impartiality .
25 The main point is that Iraq should withdraw immediately and completely from Kuwait ( in line with UN Security Council Resolution 660 , passed on the day Iraq invaded Kuwait ) .
26 Throughout most of those countries the universal view is that Britain should do more to enhance its reputation through the fund .
27 What 's important is that Britain should adopt a positive role in the negotiations , very difficult negotiations , that lie ahead , and that Britain should not be isolated and that Britain should , in fact , be able to find a way forward with its partners .
28 The truth is that Chelsea should have had the game sewn up long before Beasant 's blunder .
29 Undoubtedly one of the underlying trends among public opinion about mental handicap is that parents should decide ; whether to have the child , whether to keep it once it is born .
30 The third proposal is that parents should have absolute rights to choose the school that their children should attend .
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