Example sentences of "[be] great [subord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover that growth has been greatest where the decline in manufacturing employment has been least — that is , in the regions of ‘ the south ’ .
2 Work by Bagnold has shown that the pressures are greatest when the pocket of trapped air is thinnest and that when the dimension of the pocket at right angles to the cliff reaches half that of the depth of the pocket the pressure is negligible .
3 ‘ It 's been great because every one has shared in the pleasure of it ’ , she added , ‘ All my friends and colleagues have been so enthusiastic and my family are over the moon . ’
4 Some theoretical work , however , has questioned the importance of water freezing in sealed cracks and the frequency of freezing events , suggesting instead that crack growth will be greatest when the temperature ranges from approximately to -15°C .
5 If you take an on-centre and an off-centre cell with slightly overlapping receptive field and add their outputs this value will be greatest when an edge is positioned between the two .
6 It would be great if a match could be found .
7 ‘ It 'll be great if the rain keeps off , ’ Rose said .
8 Even though scale requirements have come down and thus open up new possibilities in small markets , the gains will not be great until the assembly plants are backed by world-class support structures .
9 However you tried to measure the particle , the uncertainty in its position , times the uncertainty in its speed , would always be greater than a certain minimum amount .
10 The cash value of scientific observations in this context must therefore be based upon subjective experience and can not be greater than the cash value of the latter ; for it is subjective experience that , ultimately , validates our objective scales of energy intensity .
11 We may reach a point where the public costs of city life have to be greater than the private .
12 The cause of Northern Ireland must be greater than the individual and it would mean a very unfavourable hearing for many government speakers which would give the wrong impression .
13 Incomers do not understand why , when public attention turns to acres of unused or underused pasture or park , the needs of sheep or the needs of agriculture in the distant future are felt by Shetlanders to be greater than the incomers ' here-and-now needs for housing , shops or recreational facilities .
14 So the real influence of the press is likely to be greater than the Mori data indicates .
15 The accuracy of the feedback need not be greater than the discrimination ability of the trainee but equally its value will diminish if it is too approximate .
16 This will occur where the corporate controllers perceive that the long-run loss to the company 's wealth ( and to a greater or lesser extent their own — it may depend on a number of variables ) is likely to be greater than the short-term profits .
17 ( The surplus could be greater than the number of transferable votes — if , for example , a large proportion of the votes were non-transferable .
18 In the first case , profits depend on having annual incomes which exceed annual out goings ; in the second , the price must be greater than the total cost of production inputs ( see Ambrose , 1986 : 4 ) .
19 The acceptance criterion for this method is that , to be approved , a project 's IRR should be greater than the opportunity cost of capital .
20 Carers are likely to be looking after a dying loved one for the first time in their life ; their anxieties may be greater than the patient 's .
21 And when two black holes collided and joined together to form a single hole , the area of the horizon of the final hole would be greater than the sum of the areas of the horizons of the original black holes .
22 However , Michell reasoned that it would be possible to have a star that was sufficiently massive and sufficiently small in size that its escape velocity would be greater than the velocity of light .
23 Where it is estimated that road noise on properties will be greater than the recommended maximum level of 68 dB ( A ) , noise intrusion should be reduced by the formation of earth mounds wherever possible and landscaped as part of the roadworks .
24 For the criticality to occur at an angle of incidence less than 90° , the shear velocity in the solid must be greater than the dilatational velocity in the coupling liquid .
25 Gravity gets weaker the farther you are from the star , so the gravitational force on our intrepid astronaut 's feet would always be greater than the force on his head .
26 In addition , the signal has to be correlated with observable future events ( e.g. , a ‘ bad ’ signal has to be correlated with future insolvency while a ‘ good ’ signal has to be correlated with future survival ) , and the cost of sending a false ‘ good ’ signal has to be greater than the cost of sending a ‘ true ’ bad signal for the firm as well as the manager .
27 From ( 8.19 ) above , this means that the futures price has to be greater than the expected spot price and to decline over time .
28 The intrinsic value of an option can not be greater than the premium itself as this situation would provide investors with an instant arbitrage profit .
29 Answer guide : The cost of employing a scarce resource may be greater than the cost associated with purchasing the resource .
30 Men are in voluntarily unemployed if , in the event of a small rise in the price of wage-goods relatively to the money-wage , both the aggregate supply of labour willing to work for the current money-wage and the aggregate demand for it at that wage would be greater than the existing volume of employment .
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