Example sentences of "[be] always the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And they 're always the kind that marry young , are n't they ? ’
2 As mentioned earlier there are always the twin problems of how to get the information and how to present it .
3 The chancellor 's plans are always the subject of intense speculation as budget day approaches .
4 Mine were always the breed of Norfolk lurcher , a cross between a Smithfield and a greyhound .
5 The first ocean-going ship with a steam engine — Henry Bell 's Comet — was launched from Port Glasgow in 1812 , and the best known of the Clyde 's ships were always the ocean liners , though the yards built merchant ships , warships for the Royal Navy and many other types of vessel .
6 Moreover , given the disparity in actual salaries , it is unlikely that the more general " managerial labour market " constraint on operation is fully effective since , as we said in chapter 3 , it is likely that the public sector trawls for talent in a different pool , at least in the UK.6 On the assumption that the people actually being appointed were ( unlike their private sector counterparts ) altruistic , this would be no bad thing , but it would be foolish to believe altruism were always the case .
7 Above all , he rejected the Marxist view that economic relations were always the explanation of social structure and the prime mover of social change .
8 [ Had I been more perceptive I might have noticed that even in the movies women were always the rancher 's daughter . ]
9 The draw itself is expected to last no more than 10 minutes , although there is always the chance of the sort of hiccup that occurred before the 1982 tournament when Belgium and Scotland ended up in the wrong groups — and there was the embarrassed re-examination of screwed-up slips of paper such as might be seen when the vicar 's wife wins both the turkey and the hamper in the Christmas raffle .
10 There is always the chance , he says , that 1992 will produce record yields , and high commodity prices .
11 Although the street activity is seen as boring , there is always the chance that something will happen the following night or week .
12 Few cases are quite as confusing as the zebra 's stripes , but there is always the chance that in a year or so 's time new information will have been gathered that changes our views about some aspect of animal life .
13 Since stray cat populations can only be dosed with the birth pill via their food , there is always the chance that certain cats will avoid the treated meals provided for them and scavenge or catch prey for themselves .
14 There is always the chance you might encounter storms , even an engine fire .
15 Remember , the paintings are invisible ; and there is always the chance that one has remained undetected on the fore-edge of some travel book , bible , prayer book or collection of verse .
16 It has become a ritual to return via Roydon Common , for there is always the chance on this bossy stretch of heath land of wintering hen harriers .
17 I conclude that behind this fear is the Lennon factor — if you exist as fantasy object in so many minds , there is always the chance of an encounter with one sick spirit who has found a role for you that could hurt or destroy .
18 There is always the chance that they could — ’ The Manchu expanded his hands outward as if to indicate the idea that the population of Tarvaras might explode out into the galaxy .
19 There is always the chance that the company will not give honest answers but the extent to which debtor dishonesty is a danger should not be exaggerated .
20 He states that in new research areas , there is always the chance that some research projects have a low possibility of success , or otherwise lead to unpublishable negative results , and that to withhold a Ph D in such cases would seem unfair .
21 From there a nature trail winds around the hill , rough in places , which gives excellent opportunities to watch pied flycatchers , redstarts , wood warblers , treecreepers , tree pipits and , overhead , buzzards and ravens. there is always the chance of a passing red kite or peregrine .
22 There is always the chance that those little blue engines are operated by a Fat Controller behind a monitor screen , and the Fat Controller might just recall the guy who chased a train along the track .
23 Each individual trust is always the responsibility of two companies .
24 This is always the way : the oldest temptation is also the most contemporary : Writing in his Notes from Underground Dostoevsky says of man , ‘ If he is not stupid , he is monstrously ungrateful !
25 This is always the way .
26 The Atlantic has waged an unceasing war against this gaunt headland ever since the beginning of time , hurling its waves in fury at the unyielding rocks without respite ; there is always the noise of thrashing waters .
27 When you transfer your hands from boom to mast , remember that it is always the back hand that leaves the boom first .
28 ‘ I ca n't stand his lordliness ; but I admire his moral stance ; and the first is always the servant of the second , ’ the other scribe had explained serenely , fuelling Huy 's dislike .
29 The portrayal of this tragic figure is possibly one of the most demanding of all male roles because of the sheer complexity of the incidents where Rudolf is always the centre .
30 The orchestra here is always the commentator , witty , tender , excited and so forth , according to the nimbly changing mood .
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