Example sentences of "[be] always [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 Bans on parades are always seen as a sign of weakness , and as such have frequently given militant Protestants a chance to show , by defying the bans , that they will not be a party to any ‘ sell-out ’ .
2 Other women in the narrative may not be friends , but are always constructed as rivals for male attention : ‘ She does not consider herself a beauty and this element is used to play off against the beauty of the other woman ( women ) … . ’
3 Much of our literature and culture stems from or relates to attempts to represent conceptions of town or country , conceptions that invariably contrast the one with the other ; town and country are always represented as opposites .
4 The few successes on the UK OTC market are always quoted as if to make up for the failures .
5 We wanted to address these issues and give mothers their names … for they are always introduced as ‘ such and such 's mother ’ .
6 However , rules have been developed to standardize what is to be included in the definition of final product ; meals , for example , are always included as final goods .
7 Similarly , early humans are always portrayed as hunters , surviving largely on a diet of meat , and this interpretation is still being taught to schoolchildren .
8 Married women were always treated as a class apart for insurance purposes and in 1932 they found their health insurance benefits cut because of the high risk they represented , even though no other group with excessive claims ( for example miners ) was singled out for similar treatment .
9 Well I suppose it because , as I told you , those four routes were always treated as a separate entity because they were on , there were possible chances of marrying those routes together to get them to run the most economical way .
10 Unsurprisingly , as girls were always portrayed as sweethearts , and as future wives and mothers , Russell could write :
11 For Talulah Gosh were always portrayed as the epitome of anorak-wearing , twee ‘ C86 ’ pop , frivolous indie kids giving rock'n'roll an uncomfortably cute name .
12 However , whereas routine can become mechanical , ritual itself is always intended as a conscious act .
13 It seems that in any country , the Rottweiler is always recognized as a working dog first and a show dog as an after thought and then as only a show dog .
14 For being is always defined as the appropriation of either difference into identity , or of identities into a greater order , be it absolute knowledge , History , or the state .
15 Cos probability is always expressed as a fraction .
16 The instructor , who is always addressed as the sensei , instils principles of etiquette into every student .
17 I 've often wondered why Norman , if he is such a dreadful player , is always used as a bench mark for other people 's success .
18 It is the same for all the inherently restrictive adjectives ; inevitably , an adjective which is always used as a way of selecting restrictively from a set of items present in the mind of the speaker is liable to be thought of as a means of identifying an entity .
19 Aries is always classed as the first constellation of the Zodiac , though by now the First Point of Aries ( the position where the ecliptic cuts the equator ) has shifted into the adjacent constellation of Pisces .
20 He is the patron saint of England and is always shown as the dragon killer .
21 And I , I ran there and ran back to continue my game , at play like and I heard a , mo , her say to mother well I like your lad to go says th look at this cheese it 's never been unwrapped he said those other lads he says it 's always looks as if it 's been unwrapped and
22 These modes of thought are so deeply embedded in the collective conscious that ten years after the amalgamations , when the chief constable ( from the south ) replaced the flat cap with helmets , a number of ex-city men could not discuss the impending change without exhibiting distress and described this event as being something of an Armageddon , even though the expensive guard-style cap of the pre-amalgamation days had long since given way to what was always derided as ‘ a cheap and nasty alternative ’ .
23 Beneath the photograph was printed not her name , but a sobriquet , a common practice — Mrs Langtry was always know as ‘ The Jersey Lily ’ .
24 ‘ As far as the involvement of one of his tutors is concerned , this is purely surmise on his part , and was always expressed as such .
25 Historically , Scotland was always perceived as the premier West Coast market on which the case for electrification from Weaver Junction to Glasgow ( Motherwell ) was made .
26 When asked what further services clients and their carers would wish , more home help was always given as their first priority .
27 and yet she was always treated as one of the , the family , but it 's silly because you 've done what you can when they 're living .
28 The habitats which have been hardest hit by the post-war agricultural revolution are on land which was always regarded as the most marginal : the barest hilltops , the steepest hillsides , and the wettest valley bottoms .
29 I was always described as the heretic at school , a designation which was theologically accurate enough and did n't particularly disturb me ; it seemed a not unkind acknowledgement of whatever distances I carried with me .
30 Usually I was challenged as to why I was not reading law , which was always quoted as the ‘ proper ’ subject for a police officer .
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