Example sentences of "[be] keep [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sending you a document I 've been keeping for a friend .
2 ‘ In the letter , Tristram said ‘ I 'm sending you a document I 've been keeping for a friend ’ .
3 Herman , whom Erika had already been keeping at a safe distance from her feet , backed away .
4 If you 're keeping to a tight budget , the textured melamine finish of Dakota or pale grey Tulsa combine practical style with contemporary good looks — and there are many other styles to choose from .
5 The NUT , reporting to the Younger Committee on Privacy in 1972 , proposed that reports about a child 's misbehaviour should be kept from parents and that information on the pupil or his home background ‘ which might be gleaned from hearsay or possibly based on malicious gossip ’ should not be kept on a permanent record .
6 They realize , without necessarily evaluating the implications of the realization , that patients can not be kept on a machine for ever .
7 All dogs should be kept on a lead and walkers without dogs are still welcome .
8 The odd bit of woodland , neatly railed and labelled and no wolves allowed , and Dogs Must Be Kept on a Lead and Not Be Permitted to Foul the Footpath Penalty £50 and Quite Right Too .
9 All the active plant will be kept on a ‘ care and maintenance ’ regime for approximately 30 years , i.e. buildings are kept weathertight structures are preserved , and any loose contamination will be fixed or removed .
10 [ That this House condemns British Coal for its closure of the Coventry Colliery at Keresely with the loss of 1,300 jobs , completed in a mere 13 days from the announcement of the decision to the working of the last shift ; believes that the pit is not abandoned but mothballed with 40 million tonnes of good quality reserves of medium sulphur content which will be kept on a care and maintenance basis until a link-up is organised by a privatised Daw Mill Colliery should the Government be re-elected ; condemns British Coal 's refusal to attend two meetings of local authority and parish councillors , local honourable Members of this House and church representatives and notes the absence at the meetings of 24th October and 11th November of the local Tory honourable Members ; and calls for a public inquiry into the methods of the closure and the false economics which talk of losses ' yet fail to take into account the future cost to public funds of lost production and taxes paid , and of dole and unemployment payments to be made . ]
11 Some fromage frais and quark have a longer shelf life and may be kept for a week or ten days after purchase .
12 In a hospital or a bank , where records have to be kept for a long time , the files would not be deleted routinely , but stored in archives until the expiry of the prescribed storage period .
13 The cost need not be very high and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that the finished result will be kept for a long time , if not forever , by the recipient .
14 These can be kept for a long time and are likely to breed .
15 If an experiment produces animals that are to be kept for a long period , or that are to form the basis of a breeding colony .
16 The spread nuclei can be simply stained in acetic orcein ( Gurr ) under a coverslip and if the staining is slow , or the slides are to be kept for a short time , the coverslips can be ringed with rubber solution ( Weldtite ) to prevent the stain drying out .
17 It also prevents discoloration of icing by the cake if it is to be kept for a while .
18 He said part of it should be kept as a monument .
19 There should be a law that states that no wild-caught animal should be kept as a pet .
20 This would be kept as a record .
21 A cat is a carnivore and if it is to be kept as a pet it must be given a carnivorous diet .
22 Stenopus hispidus sometimes called the Boxing Shrimp , is far more aggressive towards its own kind and can only be kept as a single specimen or a matched pair .
23 Meg Dods ( The Cook 's and Housewife 's Manual , I 826 ) instructs that if this is to be kept as a cold relish the white meat and the coral and spawn should be packed " in a regular manner , in layers , or alternate pieces , so that when sliced it may have that marbled appearance , that look of mosaic work which so commends the taste of the cook " .
24 The annotated drawing can then be kept as a record of the child 's ideas , and it can form a useful part of teacher assessment .
25 On the one hand , the Church and other religious organisations uphold the traditional principle that Sunday should be kept as a day apart , for religious observance and for rest ; they receive support from trade unions and others who fear that those who work in shops may , if Sunday trading is permitted , find themselves under pressure to work on Sunday against their will .
26 It will definitely be kept as a single unit . ’
27 One of the two remaining ferry boats would be kept as a stand-by vessel and the other would be stripped of its engine and berthed at Canning Dock for possible shopping or leisure purposes .
28 If fat loss is at a relatively slow , steady , controlled pace and if moderate exercise is taken , metabolic rate can be kept at a reasonable level ; it might even increase , and you will be fitter , too .
29 This tank can be kept at a temp of 22–24° throughout the year using three 300 watt aquarium heaters .
30 In Winter it should be kept at a temperature around 58°–60°F .
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