Example sentences of "[be] give the good " in BNC.

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1 However , until that stage is reached , all we can do is to ensure that the animals whose flesh we devour are given the best possible lifestyle and are then despatched as quickly and painlessly as possible .
2 Do my right hon. and hon. Friends agree that if we are to have an effective Royal Air Force , it is essential that our pilots are given the best possible training , including training in operating at below the level of enemy radar ?
3 NORTHERN Ireland butchers have been given the good news they can compete in a major English contest to find the country 's top sausage-maker .
4 Middlesbrough whistler Jeff Winter has been given the good news that he has been promoted to the Football League middle for the start of next season a distinction held by only 90 referees in the whole of the country .
5 At this vulnerable stage of their lives , they must be given the best possible food — a balanced diet including fresh vegetables , fruit , grains , fish and meat . ’
6 This would give Royalbion world-wide publicity and Sir Bryan had decreed that the foreign media should be given the best that Britain could provide .
7 One solution perhaps would be to give the best company car to the driver who has an accident free record or clean driving licence .
8 A newspaper campaign to prevent breeding by some of the substandard individuals with whom society is saddled would be much more to the point than vapid maunderings about the welfare of a child who has been endowed with an almost perfect inheritance , and is being given the best possible care ! ’
9 Once again the movies learnt that it was not only the wealthy and respectable who liked to think that they were being given the best .
10 He had absorbed enough knowledge of lighting in his career to know who was being given the best spots , and he fought all the time to get Therese pushed out when he was on stage .
11 A rapid method of assaying samples was essential in order to discover which extracts were giving the best yields , and the sooner a stable crude preparation was obtained which could act as a standard , the better .
12 Our comprehensive range of services has been developed to make sure that your business is given the best possible start .
13 Modigliani was given the best room , all white and clean , ‘ where he never did sleep very much ’ .
14 Lucky me — I reckon I was given the best of both worlds .
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