Example sentences of "[be] about [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Why t why c why do they not communicate upwards and I think essentially people it in subordinate positions are about managing the impressions others have of them and tend to believe the notion , no matter how true it is , that er that organisations may have a shoot the messenger philosophy , yes ?
2 Strategic direction and decision making are about choosing the right road , and they need a high degree of external information .
3 They are about recognising the reality of the problem and taking all reasonable steps to ensure that the well-being of both staff and clients is not unnecessarily put at risk in having to deal with such situations .
4 In this sense , social policy is a field in which disciplines are there to be used in order to enhance the development of policies , and policies are about changing the way things are now .
5 It , it has been , anyhow they 're about having the thing and
6 And I 'll have a word with the powers that be about monitoring the telephone .
7 Community care — perhaps most especially for people with learning difficulties — should be about expanding the opportunities available to clients and their carers by providing new and varied types of service .
8 There is a natural logic to such a structure in that management can reasonably be said to be about making the best use of the resources available and , to this extent , is a normal part of the clinical process .
9 Manners , above all , should be about behaving the same way to everyone you meet ; a person who sucks up to the nobs and snubs those he regards as his ‘ inferiors ’ is manifestly not a gent .
10 He described journalism as being about comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable .
11 The owners signalled how serious they were about halting the pay spiral last year when they first detached labour negotiations from the baseball commissioner , Fay Vincent , and then detached Mr Vincent from his job .
12 This book is about achieving the most from that time of your life , whenever it occurs .
13 This chapter is about determining the norms of usage that characterize real speech communities and about the relevance of this to determining the direction of change within the communities .
14 Dreaming is about using the information that you already know .
15 ‘ I like the open style , which is about using the ball , and Wigan have the players of flair to accommodate that type of game . ’
16 Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke , who yesterday unveiled a five-point police plan , said : ‘ Quality is about getting the job done . ’
17 ‘ Quality is about getting the job done , ’ he said .
18 ‘ Economics is not about cost-cutting , it is about getting the best use out of your resources , ’ he said .
19 The thing , story in the Land Army magazine is about remembering the new recruited went out first day to go muck-spreading and she was going about it and she stuck her fork in and she landed flat on her face in a heap !
20 The culture is about accepting the status quo , about accommodating to the demands of the industrial system .
21 Management in particular is not about the preservation of the status quo , it is about maintaining the highest rate of change that the organization and the people within it can stand .
22 With the mines now being put up for private operation , a great deal will depend on how sincere British Coal is about helping the new licensees to make a go of it .
23 A lot of behavioural work is about manipulating the consequences , okay ?
24 And you know I , I actually had phrases like bra burning thrown at me and erm I I said that feminism to me is about having the same opportunities as men and I put few of the phrases er er you know along those lines and so everybody round the table said well yes I believe in that too , I said well then you 're feminists and so it 's about valuing or devaluing words as well and you know you just made the point about changing words , but how far do we go with this ?
25 Eating is about making choices ; healthy eating is about making the right choices .
26 Essentially it is about increasing the authority of the new family and playing down the authority role of the social worker .
27 Above all , it is about finding the most efficient way to use the available resources for the maximum benefit of the pupils in the classroom .
28 But as far as we are concerned it is not about money , it is about thanking the fans .
29 Objective 2 is about tackling the myth of internal medical-style causes of bad behaviour .
30 Paradoxically it provides this sense of freedom to choose , but the process of play activity is about limiting the choices .
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