Example sentences of "[be] one and a " in BNC.

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1 We have feelers , metal strips , that are one and a half thou thick , we call it , you ca n't have them any thinner because they can make them in Sheffield at one thou thick but they suffer and bend by use .
2 We are one and a half million pounds better off from that , and the compulsory redundancy problem has gone erm I 'd have to explain the list to you , though , to give a proper context , and maybe that 's what I should
3 The coroner was told that blood alcohol tests after the accident showed Richard had been one and a half times over the legal drink drive limit .
4 On any day towards the end of the campaign , those who had been very interested in politics just before the campaign opened were one and a half times as likely to read a paper , and twice as likely to watch both BBC-TV and ITV news , as those with no interest in politics ( Chapter 3 ) .
5 There were one and a half million new listeners brought to Radio 4 by the News Network .
6 Many questions were asked on these papers by the Panel , and the other thing that I thought was very revealing , is one point that I 've been hammering away at , is the fact that they actually produced these figures for U K car registrations over the last 10 years , 10 years ago there were one and a half million , last year there were nearly 2 and a half million .
7 The show is one and a half hours of entertainment for children of all ages .
8 ‘ No , it is one and a quarter , sir , ’ and he was right . ’
9 In rural Third World communities the average transit time is one and a half days ; in Western countries it is about three days in young healthy adults ; among the elderly it is often over two weeks .
10 The price is one and a half milliardi . ’
11 The price is one and a half milliardi .
12 ‘ Four thousand revs will give you 90 mph in the Formula First , ’ he said , ‘ and in a car which is one and a half inches off the ground , that will feel like 190 mph , so it should be plenty fast enough for today . ’
13 The total benefit is three units of reproductive success , three times a half again , is one and a half , it 's not erm , it 's not the of two .
14 A pint of beer or a small glass of wine is one unit , and a measure of spirits is one and a half units .
15 I think the most important thing is to make clear , I 'm hoping to make clear somewhere that next year this council will have a members allowance budget which is one and a half percent more than this year , at the maximum , and it may not even have that I 'm not certain that we 've agreed that with the policy committee , I do n't know if anybody knows if we have
16 More than a quarter of the world 's population ; that 's one and a half billion people , have no basic health care or clean water .
17 More than a quarter of the world 's population ; that 's one and a half billion people , have no basic health care or clean water .
18 One 's one and a half .
19 It 's one and a half years
20 Their volume of production was one and a half times greater , and they were engaged chiefly in clothing , woodwork , skins , and agricultural repairs .
21 The official winning margin over Bering was one and a half lengths .
22 Wayward Lad was one and a half lengths further away in third , Silver Buck a tired and remote fourth , and then Ashley House stayed on up the hill to pass Combs Ditch amid cheering never before heard for a horse running fifth !
23 It was one and a half hours later before they reached him , caught up in all the plants , still shouting ‘ What have I done ?
24 The working day was ten hours long , sometimes starting at 3 am , and the expected rate of completion was one and a half yards [ 1.4 m ] a day , though , with extra inducements two yards [ 1.8 m ] or even more could be achieved .
25 I carried Emily — she was one and a half years old then .
26 I believe the figure mentioned was one and a half million in rifle strength . ’
27 I had allowed plenty of time to return to the Commons to vote , but the train was one and a half hours late .
28 A test at Darlington police station revealed Crowther , an assistant manager at the Hurworth VG shop , was one and a half times the legal limit for driving .
29 Do you know how much it was when we got our first house , just before we were married , it was n't two and a half times your salary , it was one and a half times our salary
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