Example sentences of "[be] see as [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Though these developments are seen as part of moves to reduce Macao 's dependence on gambling ( which contributes 25 per cent of government revenue ) and Hong Kong ( which provides most of its gamblers ) , they leave some residents uneasy about China 's growing involvement in the local economy .
2 Political conflicts of the sort which characterize the Northern Ireland problem are of a quite different nature because they are seen as part of a ‘ zero-sum ’ game .
3 Of course one needs to exercise some common sense about the number of objectives written for any one piece of teaching , but if teaching sessions are seen as part of a series for a given student then objectives can be written for the whole series .
4 Secondly , library skills are seen as part of a group of several related skills , suggesting that library skills should not be taught in isolation from study skills , learning skills and communication skills .
5 The Christmas visits are seen as part of the long recovery process after the accident .
6 ‘ Catholic schools will only be understood when they are seen as part of the mission of the Church , ’ said Mr Helvin .
7 Child care policies are seen as part of a structure of political and economic relations in which dominant groups control subordinate and , in particular , deviant groups by a range of sanctions .
8 It is integrated in that the activities of each region are seen as part of a global process , i.e. the experiences and insights of each region are fed into , and compared with , those of other regions .
9 Fourth , and finally , the rejection of the Athenians by the Spartans makes more sense if the Ephialtic reforms are seen as part of a process rather than as an event , that is , if the qualities which the Spartans feared were gradually manifesting themselves over the whole thirty-year period , 487–457 .
10 Conservative criminology concentrates on crimes committed by those it considers members of the dangerous classes , those who are seen as part , either of the criminal underworld , or of the lumpenproletariat .
11 Drawn from a more liberal tradition , they are seen as part of the permissive professions who encourage the delinquent and the feckless .
12 This contrasts with Derrida 's view of différance which cuts across the distinction between diachrony and synchrony by including a temporal as well as a spatial dimension : elements are seen as part of a chain of relationships which can not be de fined as either diachronic or synchronic and so can not be reduced to the status of an object in the way that synchronically defined structures can .
13 In this way Christ 's suffering from sin at the Passion , and man 's penance , are seen as part of one sacramental healing process : Such perception is foregrounded again at the point when the meditator devotionally embraces the cross .
14 To supplement , strengthen or , as some think , to contradict the legislation of 1986 , the 1988 Education Reform Act made it possible for parents directly to intervene in their children 's schooling through a complaints procedure ( Maclure 1989:22 — 3 ) : In terms of a market ideology , this gives the consumers ( i.e. the parents , who throughout the Act are seen as surrogate consumers for their sons and daughters ) a chance to act if they believe there is a failure to deliver the curriculum to which they are , by law , entitled .
15 The extent to which God in all three persons of the trinity has simply been seen as male is well captured by the liturgy of The Alternative Service Book used in Anglican services of confirmation in Britain .
16 The indemnity was described simply as a payment ‘ for making peace ’ , but it has been pointed out that the sum of £20,000 is close to the amount thought to have been extorted by the Scots from the northern counties of England over the years since Bannockburn , and the payment may have been seen as compensation for the destruction wrought in the north .
17 Studies on the options are still going on , and the Government 's decision to increase BR 's profit targets had been seen as part of the ‘ fattening-up ’ process .
18 Studies on the options are still going on , and the Government 's decision to increase BR 's profit targets had been seen as part of the ‘ fattening-up ’ process .
19 This guideline has not attracted as much comment as the previous two , and has sometimes been seen as part of the second one .
20 Anyway , the three of us have been seen as cartoon characters for a number of years .
21 Non-availability is an idea deeply embedded in the Christian tradition of celibacy ; though for too long now it has been seen as renunciation by men of sinful life , rather than as a radical statement by women .
22 One problem is that key settlements have been seen as panacea for all rural problems , irrespective of social and regional context .
23 While diesel cars will never be seen as road burners , they will go at least as fast as the ‘ cooking ’ versions of ordinary petrol-powered saloons and hatchbacks .
24 Even if Mr Lang decided on a form of franchising rather than the formation of privatised companies , that would be seen as privatisation by the back door .
25 Taken in isolation such a remark would not be significant , but in a speech which had mentioned the two institutions with which Stalin and Trotsky had been most closely associated , this reference to the Red Army must be seen as nudge and wink towards Trotsky .
26 The Group felt that the VG statement was too sweeping , and that the change in the balance between floristic and monographic research should not be seen as downgrading floristics .
27 This type has been taught not to show their feelings or emotions , for that would be seen as weakness .
28 Too many demotions would weaken morale further ; too few will be seen as weakness .
29 The component parts of communication can be seen as clarity of problem definition , completeness of information and clarity of problem understanding .
30 Data analysis is an iterative process : the final model will not be obtained until after a number of tries and this should not be seen as slowness , but care for accuracy .
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