Example sentences of "[be] go [adv] with " in BNC.

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1 In any case , if any of the pupils are to go on with the language at A level , they will simply have to learn some grammar at some stage .
2 Does my right hon. Friend accept that if the major galleries of this country are to go on with their extremely enlightened and successful purchasing programme , it is essential that we bring in charging for entry ?
3 Now about a dozen or so of those are to go ahead with funds of up to Ecu250,000 a year for three years .
4 The republics are to go ahead with economic-reform plans of their own on the basis of the now changing programme .
5 ABERDEEN fish processors are to go ahead with an export drive to France this week , in spite of attempts by French fishermen to block the import of supplies .
6 ‘ But if you 're goin' in with Rico ? ’
7 ‘ You 're to go on with me . ’
8 ‘ But Nutty says they 're going on with it , whatever happens . ’
9 Gosh they 're going again with Paul and Cathy .
10 You 're going around with that ex-fractured tib and pelvis , are n't you ?
11 Now , it 's going to be a bit scruffy this , and you just try and transcribe it onto that piece of paper so you 're going away with some idea .
12 ‘ What I wish , ’ she said , ‘ is to get this visit to wherever we 're going over with as quickly as possible . ’
13 ‘ Of course we 're going through with it , ’ said Ryan .
14 We 're going ahead with a divorce on the grounds of adultery . ’
15 We 're going ahead with the presentation of prizes now . ’
16 They 're going ahead with a super new concert hall while our Philharmonic Hall is falling down .
17 Next time , we 're going back with a record player and a Thin Lizzy record , we 're going to plug it in and when he asks what the hell we 're doing , we 'll say , ‘ Just listening to that Les Paul on the wall there ! ' ’
18 WHILE the Ipswich fans taunted ‘ You 're going down with the Arsenal ’ , Town star John Wark predicted that troubled Manchester United could still walk off with the first Premier League Championship .
19 ‘ I said , ‘ So you 're going there with no back-up , no weapon , no way of knowing what he 'll do ’ — something like that . ’
20 ‘ So you 're going out with the black kid , the messenger ? ’
21 ‘ Yet you 're going out with him now . ’
22 You 're going out with Clare ?
23 No , you 're , you 're gon na go up to Lorna and you 're gon na say , Lorna , you 're going out with Roger !
24 So you , well then you 'll still not know what you 're going out with because you still have a few days from last week to get .
25 That 's when you 're going out with me is n't it ?
26 You 're going out with that lot .
27 Yeah but you imagine it , you 're going out with someone and you see them like every day and then during the holidays you wo n't be able to see them
28 Well the good thing about you is you 're going out with someone here , that helps a lot .
29 However we 're going home with fond memories of a marvellous competition .
30 we 're go round with masks on ca n't you ?
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