Example sentences of "[be] do [adv] they " in BNC.

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1 Always tell them how well they 're doing when they try to do up their buttons ( even if they ca n't quite complete the task ) , put away a toy or own up when they have done something wrong .
2 First of all it 's a against the law but after that these youngsters quite often do n't know what they 're doing when they get into a car and they are lethal
3 Oh yes quite so and if they 're doing well they really , local people really get behind them , but they , they 've prom in previous seasons they they 've promised so much and then fell away at the end that people have got a bit disillusioned and discontented so that , but like last year when they were doing well in the cup they erm at Watford I mean loads of people went to see them .
4 Well what they 're doing actually it 's quite right because they 're they tended to play the long ball to Steve Walsh so that he could head it down and what they 're doing actually they 've got two four foot eight forwards in Jochim and Speedy and a nine foot seven winger Ormanroyd
5 Social services say they 're do all they can to make their charges aware of the dangers of solvent abuse .
6 ‘ Bluff ’ is a recipe which consists of giving the impression to the public that the police know what they are doing when they do not .
7 Presumably , this is what moths are doing when they fly into a candle and are burnt to death .
8 In his chapter on children 's pictures , Roger Wales considers what is to be made of what children are doing when they produce a picture .
9 — How do students conceive of what they are doing when they program in PROLOG ?
10 Unfortunately the government is assuming that 's all we are doing so they 're cutting housing subsidy accordingly and we would have been left with no choice , that 's all there is to be said on the matter .
11 Well they have to be do n't they , yeah .
12 But if you do speak to them , perhaps you could get them affiliated again , cos they used to be did n't they in Sister May and Paul 's time .
13 ‘ What did the auditors think they were doing when they signed off the accounts ? ’ asked one shareholder , while another accused TR of acting more like ‘ the directors ' poodle ’ than the shareholders ' watchdog .
14 Did Julius Caesar , Charlemagne , the mediaeval popes , Martin Luther , Napoleon or Hitler have any idea what they were doing when they made their own particular contributions to the architecture ?
15 Brown and Kulik ( 1977 ) were struck by the fact that people were generally able to answer this question without difficulty , the important point being not that they remembered the assassination but that they remembered apparently irrelevant details such as where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news .
16 clearly knew what they were doing when they decided to build the plant at Wallingford and it 's no secret that when bought from , Wallingford was seen to fill a gap in distribution of locations .
17 This domination eventually came more because of what the forwards were doing when they had not won possession as when they had .
18 And each car they knew where they were did n't they ?
19 They recycle CFC 's do n't they ?
20 They 're like , they look similar to Carol 's do n't they ?
21 it was did n't they ?
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