Example sentences of "[be] not [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am not quite the Hochhauser rapist I am made out to be , but I expect a little peck , just here , on the cheek . ’
2 Ever since my schooldays , I 've been aware that , mathematically , I am not quite the full shilling .
3 The production itself carefully suppresses those aspects of Shakespeare 's play which suggest that Henry 's endeavours are not somehow the shared desires of the nation — most notably it cuts out any mention of the English traitors in Act II .
4 Where there is coverage of such systems as potential IT-based contributors to improved corporate strategy , the reference will be to systems that are not normally the province of librarians and information scientists ( such as financial market systems , credit-rating services ) ; or it will be to videotex-based systems which most librarians and information scientists would n't be seen dead using ! ( cf. Prestel ) .
5 Such piscatorial matters are not normally the column 's province , of course .
6 First of all , they are not exactly the same now as they were then .
7 The accounts are not exactly the same .
8 The pleasure of the text stems at least in part from collective utopias , social wish fulfillment and social aspirations , and these are not simply the sublimated expression of more basic sexual desires .
9 Although all these theories flourished during the latter half of the nineteenth century and the early decades of the twentieth , the links between them are not simply the product of historical circumstance .
10 From this point of view , women are oppressed and victimized ; they are not simply the unlucky recipients of prejudice .
11 So the dependence on agrochemicals and the effect which this has on the ecology of the countryside are not simply the moral responsibility of the individual farmer .
12 First , the reasons for the expansion of the social services are not simply the desire and anxiety of successive governments to reduce unemployment , cheaply and speedily , as Bacon and Eltis claim .
13 So far , so good , but finding a set of correlations of this sort still says nothing about whether they are necessarily part of the memory formation process unless I can find a way of showing that they are not simply the aftermath of the unpleasant experience of tasting the bitter bead ; that is , I must meet my own third , reductionist criterion .
14 At this season of the year we should remind ourselves of the parable that neighbours are not simply the people who live next door , rich friends , or even merely those with whom we agree .
15 As capital markets are not perfect , definitions vary from researcher to researcher and some things are better measured as a stock rather than a flow , so that documented wealth distributions are not simply the present value of all future income streams .
16 3.2 Geographical extent Important factors to be considered when examining a geographical area are not simply the distance involved ( usually a radial measurement from a given place ) but the character of the area , the ease of travel/communication and the character of the business in question .
17 These values are not primarily the pursuit of small amounts of money paid in a weekly wage .
18 The New Zealand experience suggests that those who proceed with ‘ open ’ adoption are not altogether the same as those who would have done so under the more traditional approach .
19 As we shall see , this connection although appearing neat is certainly not tidy because in many ways Japanese industrial relations are not nearly the radical contrast with the West that they first appear .
20 In addition , although not technically unfit , a house can still be very unsuitable for the needs of its occupants in terms of accommodation and access to jobs and services , aspects that are not generally the subject of legislation .
21 But they are not even the heart of it .
22 His falsity and hollowness are not just the opposite of the true and the wholesome , but threaten to undermine it .
23 Some of the Maritime school go further and ask the question , ‘ Who are We ? ; and answer it by pointing out that We are not just the people living in the United Kingdom today .
24 The economics of maintaining a safe environment are not just the concern of government for , through taxation , individuals contribute to the national purse .
25 Disused mineral workings are not just the adventure playground of the young and old but provide many recreational needs .
26 The politics of the inner city problem are not just the surface manifestation of economic imperatives ; here there is no straightforward linear determination of superstructure by base .
27 In effect Bleach are not just the antithesis of The Chart Show , but a challenge to latterday Designer Credibility .
28 Orthopaedic surgeon Lawrence Freedman warned : ‘ These are not just the innocuous bruises caused by children bumping into each other .
29 Their 10-wicket trouncing of England in the deciding Cornhill Test at the Oval yesterday more than confirmed they are not just the world 's one-day cricket kings .
30 This concept has the advantage of stressing that people 's perceptions and beliefs are not just the inheritance of a shared ethnic descent , but are rooted in broader economic structures and material interests .
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