Example sentences of "[be] not [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'd like to point out that I am not Dana and I am with you , not Garry , ’ she said , flicking her tongue across dry lips .
2 In considering the claims filed against accountants , it must be emphasised that in many cases the underlying reasons for such suits are not negligence or incompetence on the part of auditors , but the consequence of faulty business policies and management decisions , or even carefully planned and executed frauds .
3 d ) The Executive Committee shall be able to call upon help and advice from an ‘ Advisory Panel ’ which shall consist of all fully-trained Medau teachers resident in Britain during the current year , who are not Officers or Members of the Executive Committee ; a representative of the Medau Leaders who is not an Officer or member of the Executive Committee , to be elected from among their own number by holders of the Medau Leadership award ; a Medical Adviser to be appointed by the executive Committee and such others as the Executive Committee may from time to time appoint .
4 The Executive Committee shall be able to call upon help and advice from an ‘ Advisory Panel ’ which shall consist of all fully-trained Medau teachers resident in Britain during the current year , who are not Officers or Members of the Executive Committee ; a representative of the Medau Leaders who is not an Officer or member of the Executive Committee , to be elected from among their own number by holders of the Medau Leadership award ; a Medical Adviser to be appointed by the Executive Committee and such others as the Executive Committee may from time to time appoint .
5 And that led to a day of fury and counter-claims by the Pakistan team bosses who insisted : ‘ We are not cheats and we intend spending our last rupee proving so . ’
6 But the main features of the system must be comprehensible to those Members of Parliament and councillors who are not specialists and to serious commentators and interested members of the public .
7 Skeleton arguments are not pleadings and , save in exceptional cases … need not answer the skeleton arguments of the other side .
8 We will have franchisees and people who are not franchisees but just wish to run on open access .
9 The combs do not hang vertically like those of honey-bees and they contain neither honey nor pollen , for wasps are not vegetarians but primarily carnivores .
10 His report for 1988 concluded that ‘ in prison after prison men were still having to exist in conditions which offend against any standard of decency ’ , and he remarked , ‘ Properly fitting clean clothes and regular baths or showers are not luxuries but they remained out of reach for many inmates in 1988 ’ ( Home Office 1989b ) .
11 A month later a high-ranking army officer had heard him deliver the following verdict on integration : " They are not Provenals or Languedocians .
12 Furthermore , since they are not directives but guidelines they must be flexible enough to allow for teacher participation and the exercise of initiative so that teachers can follow their course in reference to the bearings provided .
13 To get to the point , Frank & Walters are not Guns N' Roses .
14 The most common tools used by birds in feeding , however , are not missiles but ‘ probes ’ .
15 But where , as here , the regime exercises virtually no administrative control at all in the territory of the state , international recognition of an unconstitutional regime should not suffice and would , indeed , have to be accounted for by policy considerations rather than legal characterisation ; and it is , of course , possible for states to have relations with bodies which are not states or governments of states .
16 Governors should also be advised that , while they are welcome in school , they are there to learn , to question , to improve understanding and of course to comment , but they are not advisers or inspectors .
17 His director of international protection , Michel Moussalli , wrote in ’ Refugees ’ magazine — the UNHCR publication — in May : ’ The majority of people coming as asylum seekers into Europe are not refugees but economic migrants . ’
18 Shadow Northern Ireland secretary Kevin McNamara backed Mr Brooke , saying : ‘ The IRA are not soldiers but assassins carrying out a squalid murder campaign . ’
19 ( 5 ) For the purposes of this section : ( a ) " public part " means a part open to customers who are not residents or guests of residents ; and ( b ) " common part " means a part open generally to all residents or to a particular class of them .
20 The brilliant ‘ white ’ star at the top , IRS 7 , is a supergiant star as bright as 100 000 Suns , but with a temperature of only 2500 K. The red objects are cooler , and are not stars but warm clouds of gas and dust .
21 Such limitations are not deficiencies but modes of behaviour that are essences of reduction , to be valued for their essential selves .
22 At frieze-level there are not triglyphs and metopes but usually a row of small , close-set blocks , dentils , which offer no field for figure-carving .
23 Labels and name-calling are not life and death matters .
24 The instructions and authority they have received from the interim government are not instructions and authority from the Government of the Republic .
25 These are not tranquillizers and are non-habit-forming .
26 Here and there , limp bodies float in the shallows and great expanses of the beach are covered with a layer of brown grains that are not sand but eggs .
27 There , however , the spontaneous currents which reason navigates are not inclinations but those analogizing processes already discussed briefly in an earlier chapter , with particular reference to simulation .
28 Marx 's definition of luxury goods was fairly straightforward ; they were ‘ all goods which are not necessaries and which are not commonly used by the labouring class . ’
29 They signal this for those who are not contemplatives and reflect it for those who are .
30 The new replicators are not DNA and they are not clay crystals .
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