Example sentences of "[be] it the same " in BNC.

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1 Is it the same , or are your bodies saying different things ?
2 But is it the same as the hypothetical hypothalamic growth hormone releasing factor ?
3 Is it the same or is there something different about it ? ’
4 What follows from this is decisive for our whole discussion : doubt is not the opposite of faith , nor is it the same as unbelief .
5 Is it the same bar ? ’
6 Secondly , we should note that the adding of information is not the same here as expanding units omitted through ellipsis ( see 2.7 ) ; nor is it the same as tautologically duplicating elements included in the meaning of words and saying , for example :
7 And is it the same forty who said fathers are n't necessary , out of interest ?
8 Is it the same thing as what I have just called ‘ the country ’ ?
9 They become very passive but as soon as they 've had the baby they 're back to their old selves again and you think , God , is it the same girl ?
10 How how how has it actually erm varied I mean , is the s is it the same are the flats the same as when you first moved in or have they changed ?
11 Is it the same as Johnson described ?
12 Is it the same old boys ' network ?
13 Is it the same thing ?
14 Is it the same with all the council contracts we get ? ’
15 However , it should be noted that the relationship between time value and the term to maturity is neither linear nor is it the same for both types of contracts .
16 Is it the same man ? ’
17 Is it the same as " services " in s.1 ?
18 Is it the same man , I ask myself ? ’
19 Is it the same for therefore .
20 Is it the same with you with Ozzy Osborn ?
21 Is it the same access point ?
22 Is it the same sort of thing ?
23 And is it the same size ground as the match when there was twenty five thousand in you say you were a bit bothered about it in fact ?
24 It looks like the same i , is it the same as our one ?
25 Jane is it the same one as that ?
26 Is it the same in the middle of New York as it is in erm a rural area somewhere , where people presumably can live on the land more easily ?
27 Is it the same satellite as Rupert Murdoch 's establishment ?
28 Is it the same as normal prices , or is there a bit ?
29 The date , for God 's sake , on the top letter from Ash , was it the same , why were they all together , how long does it go on , — how did she answer , what about Blanche and the Prowler …
30 Was it the same with your father and your cousin 's father ?
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