Example sentences of "[be] and [Wh adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 How successful do you think these changes have been and how far do you think privatisation in museums ought to go ?
2 Interviewees sometimes think that when an interviewer says to them , ‘ Do you have any questions you would like to ask me ? ’ this is an opportunity to ask how long the holidays are and how soon you would be due for a pay rise .
3 Well I work as a psychotherapist and it seems to me that for some people change is impossible and when that is the case then its my job to help them to come to terms with who they are and what they are and how there going to remain , but the other side of it is helping people to change and I have to say usually its to loose weight , that 's the biggest reason people want to change .
4 A public loan like that would have the added advantage of showing the Khedive what loyal subjects we Copts are and how greatly we admire him . ’
5 ‘ By the time we get through that little lot , ’ smiled Dr Danie Craven , ‘ at least we will know how bad we are and how far we have to go to catch up . ’
6 ‘ It 's important that you remember how vulnerable frail , elderly people are and how much they need your help .
7 ‘ I mean , do you really think the dead sit around counting who goes to the funeral and how many wreaths there are and how much they cost ? ’ his companion carried on .
8 How right this intuitive decision proved to be and how well his intuition served him in the years ahead .
9 It was abandoned when the new church was built in 1909 and in less than severity years has fallen into complete ruin — a good indication of how severe the Dales weather can be and how quickly buildings succumb to its assault .
10 The point I 'm trying to get at sir is that erm it is none of it is in none of our interests , either the planning authorities or even of the developers , that if we were to erm find a strategic sites policy appropriate for this alteration , it 's in none of our interests that it should be confusing to the public or to the development industry as to how rare a thing this should be and how tightly directed it should be in geographical terms .
11 Now that shows you how far back they were and how how their thoughts ran .
12 In fact it has shown just how shaky the deal is and how deep the marriage crisis has become .
13 In order to achieve this position , your bowman must know where the line is and how far away from it you are at any given moment .
14 The remedy could have been more appropriately applied if those prescribing it had offered us a clearer understanding of what a clause is and how far it may be similar to various other structures .
15 okay , pretend that you 're that building and I want you to describe yourself and and I want the rest of the class to see if they can guess what it is and how long they take it they take to guess okay , and if you think you know what that person is , put your hand up do n't do n't shout out .
16 The thing that made me a little envious was this girl — she 's his assistant on this particular film — ringing up , and there was a slight chance they would be going to Switzerland that day , and suddenly I was in there again and I thought how exciting it all was and how nice it would be to go off filming again .
17 The thought of the girl being hungry was insupportable and then he noticed how thin her torn garment was and how deep the hollows beneath her cheekbones .
18 Meanwhile his father , his voice reverberating in a way that hinted at the extent of the invisible spaces about them , told him about the tunnel , when it was opened and how long it was and how deep below the surface .
19 After the matinée , she had met him for tea , and he had held her hand , and looked soulful , and told her how innocent she was and how easy it would be to fall in love with her , but how he must n't , he could n't , because he would be leaving and it would n't be fair to her , and anyway , he had his career to think of , etc .
20 One is secret and compartmented , and another is sort of boyish and boastful , and it would be in character for him to say , I wo n't be here tomorrow , I will be down south , and then for him to say , Yes , it was a quick trip and I flew all night and I came back and I have n't slept for 48 hours , always complaining about how busy he was and how terribly overworked .
21 When they 'd moved in he 'd made a point of telling just about everybody where it was and how much it was costing — wincing a little at the same time , as if he were telling the story against himself and his own folly — but it had become a sterile kind of heaven , and he sat around in it like some forgotten angel .
22 Too young for you even to try and explain what you were doing , how important it was and how much it took out of you .
23 Once distant from the history , it is difficult to envisage just how powerful that central imperative was and how often the options available were so narrowly restricted as to exclude most of what the party was supposed to stand for .
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