Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] a new " in BNC.

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1 As you are building a new pond , you have the opportunity to put in the best filtration system , without paying a fortune .
2 With businesses looking at cost cutting across the board , American Express has also been targeting a new market .
3 According to the Wall Street Journal , scientists at the Murray Hill , New Jersey lab are using a new filtering technique to achieve the large gains in capacity , and say they have succeeded in transmitting signals error-free over 8,125 miles at 20 Gbps , double the previous record for long-distance transmission .
4 We have 57 branches where trade is predominantly hand-basket therefore we are producing a new sign stating a ‘ Maximum of 8 Items ’ .
5 Peter Scudamore has been building a new future since his retirement .
6 I am building a new pond in an L shape .
7 In many parts of the Western world political leaders are encouraging a new spirit of volunteerism .
8 Pollards Woodworking Machinery are sponsoring a new turning competition on 3 August , with classes for novices and experienced turners in a selection of categories .
9 Ponies are enjoying a new boom in popularity — amongst adult riders and handlers .
10 Modern developments in artificial intelligence are bringing a new light to past perceptions of how the human mind interacts with nature .
11 Even now they are realising a new dream .
12 Even now they are realising a new dream .
13 Over there is our herb garden , and here are some fruit trees , from which we are cultivating a new strain .
14 And finally , a local furniture project , are opening a new twelve bed hostel for young people who are homeless .
15 He said : ‘ People come here for a good night out , the restaurant is always busy and we are opening a new betting shop at the track where punters will be able to place bets tax free .
16 The Pompidou Centre 's Musée National de l'art Moderne and its Centre de Création Industrielle are launching a new project under the title Revue virtuelle which will be devoted to the interraction of art and computer technology .
17 Government boffins have been explaining a new weapon that destroys people but leaves houses intact .
18 ‘ The fans have been wanting a new face up front because of our recent goal drought .
19 Transport engineers in the Hague , for example , are developing a new rapid rail system , called Randstad Rail , which uses a sophisticated locomotive to improve speed , safety , comfort and reliability .
20 SCIENTISTS in California are developing a new kind of computer memory , based on a photochemical bleaching process .
21 Moving to the Midlands , CCG are operating a new staff restaurant at Volvo Trucks UK 's parts warehouse in Rugby , serving up to 60 people daily .
22 Mr Simon Montgomery , administrator of the Brighton Unemployment Centre , which obtained a copy of the review , said yesterday : ‘ We are establishing a new category of people who may have to be outside the welfare net — people with mental health problems who form part of the new underclass . ’
23 After salvage of any potentially useful parts has been accomplished , it is hoped that the wreck will be donated to the Inverness-based Fresson Trust , who are establishing a new museum at Inverness Airport .
24 Federal highway engineers in the US are promoting a new material based on epoxy resin which is supposed to be more durable .
25 We are advocating a new cultural awareness for pupils in all schools from all neighbourhoods .
26 The contras are seeking a new ceasefire , a general amnesty and guarantees of safe conduct if they return to Nicaragua .
27 THE Yorkshire Union of Golf Clubs are seeking a new secretary following the resignation of Alan Cowman because of poor health .
28 If you are fitting a new brace , the top should be at the latch side of the gate .
29 In casualty day unit is to open It 's all to be opened up , they 're building a new day unit and whether the day unit has access
30 We 're building a new town there . ’
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