Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] [prep] year " in BNC.

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1 This gives the guitarist the same facility for storing and recalling a library of sounds that keyboard players have been enjoying for years .
2 ‘ We 've been struggling for years .
3 We have been struggling for years with an inadequate meat hygiene inspection system and we need , as soon as possible , to replace it with a centralised system that will guarantee high standards and uniform costs .
4 For instance having retired to this lovely English village , and assembled my wits and memories to compile this narrative , I have had the satisfaction recently of discovering the original meaning of three common expressions which I have been using for years .
5 Don had been experimenting for years before he took out the patent in 1970 and significantly stated that ‘ The difference in camber and relative incidence on the central fore and aft sections serves to stabilise the kite in pitch ’ .
6 People are realising what particularly the Belfast group has been preaching for years , that early availability of resuscitation is tremendously important .
7 The first is that some cricketers have been cheating for years in a most blatant manner .
8 It never occurred to me that anyone who had been starving for years would feel an incredible , overwhelming urge to eat that was both physical and emotional .
9 You might have been driving for years by going over the top of the wheel as a lot of lorry drivers do .
10 And she passed with flying colours She 's been driving for years apparently but she had to take a test .
11 ‘ This thing has been smouldering for years and now it 's finally broken through .
12 Lesley saw it more as a letting-off of repressed energy : ‘ I think this thing has been smouldering for years and now it 's finally broken through .
13 Repeated doses of bad news from the front generated mounting criticism of government incompetence ; ministerial confidence was visibly shaken ; and discontent which had been smouldering for years burst into flame .
14 A lot of people started handing in pellet guns and antique muzzle-loaders they 've been keeping for years without a licence .
15 Arms salesman ; okay the Avenger the Equaliser the Total Fucking Nutter went for the legs too but still , and the editor spiked , and the rapist-lenient judge raped and the pornographer poisoned and stroked and the man who was so callous about the bloodshed in the Iran/Iraq war forced to watch his penned animals die like cattle like soldiers like cattle and then bled to death in his own private fountains of blood and the businessman who put profits before safety and not only helped kill a thousand people but then tried to get out of paying the survivors and dependants any compensation gets his own gas explosion — blevey is the technical term apparently — and fuck me whoever he is ( assuming he is a he ) , he 's got a sense of humour or at least irony why he 's produced what 's almost a snuff video effectively a snuff video if you mean brain-death anyway it 's the closest anyone will admit to ever having seen or found one even the Obscene Pubs Squad who 've been looking for years but although everybody assumes they exist nobody 's ever seen one until old gorilla man comes along and just makes his own , specifically to warn off any other porn merchants thinking of dealing in snuff !
16 I appear to have been writing for years , and yet not one sentence has been completed .
17 Environmental groups have been lobbying for years about the issue .
18 Many have been living for years in a shadowy , illegal world , doing the jobs that affluent Japanese now shun .
19 They would all be returning to town in the autumn to meet some sons of good families in Riba ; she 'd been saving for years , money from the pigeons , money from the cheeses , the almonds , her mother 's money when she died — may she rest in peace and perpetual light shine on her — she 'd hidden it from that villainous landlord who 'd strip everyone of their surplus if he knew how much they 'd hoarded , but they 'd never find out , the folk were far too tight to let anyone know , and he , Davide , must not breathe a word .
20 Thus flighted , I sent them shooting out over the mud and the water towards their suffocating ends ; then I buried them , using as coffins the big matchboxes we always kept by the stove , and which I had been saving for years and using as toy-soldier containers , model houses and so on .
21 Yes , we had both been searching for years for a place like this , well away from urban life with some land and outbuildings .
22 But France has been hit by the kind of unease over European union that British governments have been expressing for years .
23 And that 's what we 're paying per year .
24 The , the direct debits that you 've been paying for years but you 're not sure where they go to , that sort of thing ?
25 People had been waiting for years for freedom ‘ and they 've now had enough ’ .
26 I 've been waiting for years for someone to do that . ’
27 Charlotte and Alexander have been waiting for years .
28 Even one would be good enough for there are riders who have been racing for years and have never gone well here . ’
29 quite an old fashioned erm been going for years .
30 They 've been going for years , they 've been making motor oils , engine oil , it 's called filtrate so that 's the liquid .
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