Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 This difference distinguishes causal circumstances and their effects from the other instances of necessary connection , the nomic correlates. ( 1.5 ) All necessary connections are open to forms of mathematical expression , and typically are given it in science .
2 What about like contraception should be integral part of it , and abortion and the options open to you , but I think it 's very important that we are taught it , we 're taught it in a heterosexual basis , and that 's just not the case , and that just alienates people any more , really more from a very early age .
3 Cathy Carne had also been told something in her damned letter .
4 ‘ You 've been told one in 10 couples is infertile but they ca n't be in your street , can they ?
5 Further enlightenment is delayed until ( 11 ) , which at last explains how the interview came to take place at all ; but again , this information is postponed to the end of the main clause , in the relative clause " on which he had been invited which in turn contains a further relative clause " who happened to know … resident tutor " .
6 Suddenly , the ineffable goodness of the NEA and public funding is being proclaimed by many whose professional lives have been spent very-nicely-thank-you in NEA-free zones in the private sector .
7 I may never know it in this world but I shall be told it in the next .
8 We have done some work with your offices on that , and whilst on most of your activities are n't happy with er the scale of such that it does cause me a problem , there is one particular area that we are in discussion with the Chief Executive , and your offices relating to doing work for other bodies to and the contract vehicle hire service , and er , that 's something which we will and no doubt will be brought us in the very near future .
9 I just wondered what those contexts and you will be bound to be asked it in council if it 's not asked now .
10 It seems clear that throughout the developmental period , certain factors can be identified which in certain circumstances will increase a person 's future psychiatric risk .
11 If people want to better themselves , they are entitled to enjoy this sort of instruction : it should not be denied them in a civilised society .
12 Obviously , tenants will be unwilling to invest what may be considerable sums in refurbishing premises if at the end of the lease they will not be paid anything in recognition of the improvements to the premises which they have made .
13 Most of the students investigated in this study were non-traditional in that they either possessed qualifications which met the general entrance requirements of the institution but had been gained them in non-traditional ways ( i.e. by other than full time attendance at secondary school ) , or they did not meet the requirement but had other qualifications or evidence of attainment acceptable to the institution in question .
14 So th the case you 're putting that the that the pensioner trustee er ship is more powerful than you originally put cos until now you 've been put it in grounds of i the trust should be repre representative of it
15 Though , the case you 're putting that the , the pensioner trustee er ship is more powerful than you originally put , cos up to now you 've been put it in grounds that it 's the trust should be repr representative of it
16 With the others I felt … on the same side as them because they were saying that they had been tortured themselves in a way , had been turned into animals , tools .
17 Potassium permanganate has the disadvantage of producing solid manganese dioxide during the process of oxidation which can cause blockages and importantly where any of the chlorinated oxidising agents are used care needs to be taken when phenolic contaminants are present as there have been instances of chlorophenols being formed which in turn produce most obnoxious odours sometimes toxic which are extremely difficult to break down .
18 However , the body of the report was accepted by the Americans , who if they needed any further confirmation were given it in the form of a 72 per cent failure rate among recently qualified army medical officers who had been given a questionnaire on the venereal diseases and their control .
19 " I do n't mind investigating poisonings on the farms but I object to being poisoned myself in my own home ! "
20 India , despite being thrashed themselves in South Africa immediately before this series , have looked sharper and better equipped in every department .
21 That 's stopped her in her tracks did n't it ?
22 That 's done me in lifting those boxes
23 Well , she 's done it in Gods go a'begging , using the same Watteau that we liked so much with the columns and the landscape in the background .
24 Previous verbosely titled flops had been Oh Dad , Poor Dad , Mamma 's Hung You in the Closet and I 'm Feelin' So Sad ( which also had Barbara Harris in it ) and Can Heironymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness ?
25 ‘ Once a mosquito 's bitten you in one spot , it 'll never return .
26 ‘ Captain Hook 's drowned hisself in the river , ’ he babbled .
27 Let us assume as an example that a gene is isolated which in several mutated forms predisposes for schizophrenia .
28 " Well … something 's put her in a bad form … "
29 ‘ But Witcher , ’ she continued , ‘ that 's the bloke who 's put himself in charge .
30 That 's put you in your place , my girl ; Roman had n't even enquired how she was — their lovemaking had already vanished into limbo as far as he was concerned .
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