Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is made up of a number of bones ( vertebrae ) which are placed one on top of another .
2 Documents are placed one on top of the other in drawers or box files .
3 This happens when a succession of items are placed one after another in a sentence without words to indicate their order or importance .
4 Managers often view a job at Shell , where they are given plenty of decisions to make early on in their career , as an alternative to taking an MBA .
5 This difference distinguishes causal circumstances and their effects from the other instances of necessary connection , the nomic correlates. ( 1.5 ) All necessary connections are open to forms of mathematical expression , and typically are given it in science .
6 Another possible version of foundationalism holds that there are some beliefs which are given us as ‘ data ’ , and which are fully justified unless something arises to defeat their justification ( cf. the use of defeasibility in 2.3 ) .
7 Er er simply er that the various upper case items which are listed one to twelve , are backed up in lower case script .
8 They are taught nothing about helping people to die .
9 Now a perfectly good internal sprinkler system has been developed which for £500,000 could be fitted to an aircraft and would put fires out within 10 seconds .
10 The salutation seemed to open infinite possibilities , and expressed a recognition of his right to travel ; he felt welcomed , and also saw that he had been given something of inestimable value .
11 The hound had been given something of Sir Henry 's to smell so that it would pick up his scent and follow him .
12 I gathered from the locals here that Leeds have been given something around the 2,500 mark so I expect they will go quite quickly .
13 I gathered from the locals here that Leeds have been given something around the 2,500 mark so I expect they will go quite quickly .
14 The press had been given nothing but ‘ blurry , distorted photographs culled from television shots of occasions in the past at which North happened to be present ’ ; at best , ABC News had shown ‘ pictures of the back of a man 's head that may or may not have been North 's as the man got into an Embassy car in Cyprus on the occasion of the homeward flight of one of the hostages ’ .
15 The bomb Simon Cormack had been carrying on his person was concealed in the broad leather belt he wore around his waist and which had been given him by his abductors to hold up the denim jeans they had also provided for him .
16 A Victorian jug on the mantelpiece had been given him by Louise one Christmas .
17 Most youths and even small boys wore a strip of hide around their wrists or ankles : this had been given them with appropriate blessing to bring them success when they became warriors .
18 Cowboys may wear them out of necessity and convicts in the USA may have been given them as part of their uniform , but one thing 's for sure , whatever the reason , most people simply would n't live without them .
19 The desired religion therefore , must be acceptable , on the one hand to those who follow it because their belief is founded on logic-induced conviction , and on the other hand to those who come to believe , because tentative faith has been given them by others and who have reached conviction through experience .
20 The item may be faulty , or the wrong size/colour , or the customer may have been given it as a present .
21 He told her he had been given it by Uncle Joe who kept a café up Kilburn way .
22 He did one thing in Hollywood for which he has not been given anything like sufficient credit .
23 Overwhelmed by not having noticed this earlier , by his failure of politeness , observation and helpfulness , all that had been taught him from boyhood up , Richard proceeded at the double onto the Embankment , to escort her on to Lord Jim .
24 Busily he scribbled in a scratchy copperplate hand that had been taught him by a schoolmistress from the hills of Brecon his thoughts and directives in the margins of the typed sheets .
25 In our main survey , only seven per cent told us that they had had classes about household budgeting or managing money while they were at school — and rather less than half of even this small minority said that they had been taught anything about buying on credit , or borrowing money .
26 ‘ But we have n't been taught anything about relationships .
27 Some are stacked one on top of another and there 's three stacked on together .
28 There was a time when this entire hillside had been covered in forest but , being closest to home , the trees had been felled one after another for building and firewood .
29 This suggested they had been attacked one at a time , and taken by surprise , which reinforced the verdict that two and not four men were involved .
30 At school , she had been considered something of a ‘ character ’ — a freak by her enemies , an eccentric by those loyal to her , or touched by the high voltage of her need .
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