Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier funding difficulties [ see p. 37583 ] , had been eased in December 1990 with the successful raising of over £560,000,000 through a rights issue in Paris and London .
2 Women suffer a dual burden of work inside and outside the home and the strains experienced by working mothers have not been eased by offers of help either from male partners or the wider community and the state .
3 A safety valve releases any excess pressure once the air chamber has been filled to capacity .
4 The playground , which up to then had been filled with shrieks and the shouting of children at play , all at once became silent as the grave .
5 Space was at such a premium here that the narrow side streets had long since been filled with structures .
6 It was the best going I could hope to see , but just beyond that wall of water , minutes away , the ground became lacerated with gulleys , as if a maze of streams had scored the ground and had been filled with sand .
7 Like most people who knew Joyce well , she had been filled with trepidation at the prospect of seeing someone trying on Joyce 's inimitable footwear .
8 The gaps between the walls of the coral skeleton have been filled with calcite , showing up as the lighter colours of the sections .
9 Once he and his henchman had been obliged to leave the wrecked apartment on the avenue Foch , he had been filled with apprehension at having to report his failure direct to Teheran .
10 For example if , unlike the present case , the school could have been filled with boys paying the full fee , the school would have lost the fee income from the places occupied by the children of the taxpayers for whom only the concessionary fee was payable .
11 The empty chambers are usually supposed to have been filled with gas , which help to give the animal buoyancy , and via the siphuncle the animal can vary its buoyancy to control its position in the water column .
12 We 'd been filled with school milk and cod-liver oil and orange juice , but only the few scheme-housing children had bathrooms .
13 The wadi would rarely have been filled with water , but deep down , the soil was moist , and trees were able to drink from its reserve .
14 His eyes , which , moments earlier , had been filled with fear and horror , were now clear , almost calm .
15 The people behind the BBC soap opera Eldorado had been filled with fear and trepidation .
16 Page upon page has been filled with Cabinet splits , the Europe crisis , the economic crisis , the industrial and jobs crisis , the Mellor crisis … and a crisis of leadership .
17 The front pages of official newspapers have been filled with tales of glorious national triumphs , offset by with a smattering of gloom from the West — unemployment in the US , drugs in Britain , and so on .
18 The gap left by the withdrawal of the worst examples has been filled with Class 312s , and ex-London Midland 310s .
19 The mandatory field listed has not been filled with information .
20 The 40ft long deep crack in the wall of Pershore Abbey 's south transept can still be clearly seen , although it 's now been filled with cement .
21 True , at the start he had been filled with remorse .
22 She had once embraced the world with her enthusiasm , laughed at life , had been filled with compassion for those less fortunate , and what was she now ?
23 Thousands of pages have been filled with theories on how to rear your offspring .
24 The entrance has been filled with stones , but I can see a sunken area inside making a small arena , in the centre of which there 's a red stone three feet high the shape of a cotton reel and , in a round black patch , evidence of a fire .
25 At one time , the space between the timbers would have been filled with mud and straw .
26 Many were guessing that it had been filled with pepper or castor-oil or some other foul-tasting substance that would make the boy violently sick .
27 The new government was sworn in on Feb. 27 and contained only three new members , Odd Engstrom as Deputy Prime Minister ( a post which had not hitherto been filled under Carlsson ) , Allan Larsson as Finance Minister , and Eric Asbrink who entered the Cabinet as Deputy Finance Minister .
28 Many people grow up frightened of what may come after this life because their minds have been filled since childhood with ideas of hell and damnation , judgment and punishment .
29 The corollary is seen where alien plants , contrary to expectation , appear to oust native plants in species-rich environments , where every ‘ niche ’ would appear to have been filled by species evolving more or less in situ to fit those environmental factors .
30 Another key job , Features Editor — or Assistant Editor ( Features ) in NoS -speak — had been filled by Polly Pattullo , who had served more years than she cares to remember on the Observer colour supplement before wilting under its increasing consumer bias .
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