Example sentences of "[be] [det] [prep] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 But , as things stand , cases of a person feeling cold when conditions are such as would ordinarily make him feel warm are the exception to the rule .
2 ‘ It shall be the duty of every director of a building society to satisfy himself that the arrangements made for assessing the adequacy of the security for any advance to be fully secured on land which is to be made by the society are such as may reasonably be expected to ensure that — ( a ) an assessment will be made on the occasion of each advance whether or not any previous assessment was made with a view to further advances or re-advances ; ( b ) each assessment will be made by a person holding office in or employed by the society who is competent to make the assessment and is not disqualified under this section from making it ; ( c ) each person making the assessment will have furnished to him a written report on the value of the land and any factors likely materially to affect its value made by a person who is competent to value , and is not disqualified under this section from making a report on , the land in question ; but the arrangements need not require each report to be made with a view to a particular assessment so long as it is adequate for the purpose of making the assessment .
3 ‘ Where the processes carried on or the machinery installed are such as could be carried on or installed in any residential area without detriment to amenity of that area by reason of noise , vibration , smell , fumes , soot ash , dust or grit ’ .
4 Their reward must be such as may give them that rank in society which so important a trust requires .
5 ‘ 2(1) Subject to subsection ( 3 ) below , in any proceedings for contribution under section 1 above the amount of the contribution recoverable from any person shall be such as may be found by the court to be just and equitable having regard to the extent of that person 's responsibility for the damage in question .
6 It is indeed an element of all three offences that the conduct must be such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness , present at the scene , to fear for his personal safety ; and yet it is provided , for each offence , that ‘ no person of reasonable firmness need actually be , or be likely to be , present at the scene ’ .
7 The steps of which particulars are given must be such as would justify an order for substituted service of a bankruptcy petition ( r 6.11(5) and ( 6 ) ) .
8 ‘ The difficulty , if not danger … of attempting to state the conditions which must be fulfilled before a given kind of conduct or of unfairness amounts to an invalidating cause is greatly increased by the introduction of the consideration that the equity must be such as ought to prevail against the claims of the creditor as a possibly innocent third party .
9 10.4 Any design or instruction furnished or given by the Purchaser shall not be such as will cause the Seller to infringe any intellectual property rights .
10 That this should have happened , within a period of a few generations for example , and therefore in evolutionary terms , immediately , is palpably unlikely , for the mental development which heralded the beginnings of civilisation could have started long before man 's activities were such as would leave archaeological evidence .
11 The Court of Appeal detected " underlying transactions of a solicitorial nature " and determined that on the expert evidence ( inter alia from a former President of the Law Society ) which had been presented the undertakings given were such as might come within the usual course of a solicitor 's business .
12 Many accents of English also differ noticeably in intonation without the difference being such as would cause a difference in meaning ; some Welsh accents , for example , have a tendency for unstressed syllables to be higher in pitch than stressed syllables .
13 " Where I , or more persons who are present together use or threaten unlawful violence for a common purpose and the conduct of them ( taken together ) is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety , each of the persons using unlawful violence for the common purpose is guilty of riot . "
14 " Where three or more persons who are present together , use or threaten unlawful violence and the conduct of them ( taken together ) is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety , each of the persons using or threatening violence is guilty of violent disorder . "
15 This is intended to penalise fighting in that " a person is guilty of affray if he uses or threatens violence towards another and his conduct is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety . "
16 ‘ ( 1 ) A person is guilty of affray if he uses or threatens unlawful violence towards another and his conduct is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety . ’
17 Section 1(1) provides that if death is caused by any wrongful act , neglect or default which is such as would ( if death had not ensued ) have entitled the person injured to maintain an action and recover damages , the person who would have been liable if death had not ensued is liable to an action for damages , notwithstanding the death of the person injured .
18 Where , as will normally be the case , the breach is such as must in the ordinary course of business inflict damage on the plaintiff , he may succeed without proof of any particular damage .
19 The generous and charitable Spirit that appeared in her was exerted upon all Occasions to the utmost of her Ability , and was such as would have been ornamental in a much higher Sphere , to which in all Probability , if it had pleased God to spare her Life , her own Merit would have raised her
20 This section 7(3) required the LTE so to perform their functions as to ensure so far as practicable that at the end of each accounting period the aggregate of the net balance of the consolidated revenue account of the LTE and of their general reserve was such as might be approved by the GLC ; and that if , at the end of any accounting period , the aggregate showed a deficit , the amount properly available to meet changes to revenue account in the next following accounting period should exceed those charges by at least the amount of that deficit .
21 what you , your case is as I understand it , I 've only intervened cos I think the question did n't dis perhaps a lack of understanding this by Lord allow me to say so , what you 're saying is that erm , in fact , although not intentionally you 're prepared to accept the format of the brochure in relation to the on going charges was such as could reasonably be said by your newspaper to have mislead prospective purchasers
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