Example sentences of "[be] [adv] with the " in BNC.

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1 This had not been so with the earliest stages as drawn in The German Ideology or Formen because even here Marx talks of ‘ slavery being inherent in the family ’ and the universality of class relations .
2 I 've spoken to Kevin Moran when we 've been away with the Republic of Ireland and he says things there are quite relaxed .
3 Details are already with the foundation presidents .
4 If we are just with the horse in an easy fashion , empathy comes more easily .
5 So how 's that you 're still with the same company you 're all
6 You 're either with the enemy or you 're not .
7 ‘ This means that the state spent something in the region of DFl.100 million on the roughly 2000 artists covered by the scheme between 1984 and 1987 , and most of these works are still with the artists ’ estimates Blote .
8 Egon Zehnder has only ever employed 140 consultants , and 100 of those are still with the firm .
9 The ceiling only applies to individuals who have joined a pension scheme since 1 June 1989 ; earlier members who are still with the same scheme are not affected .
10 It seems that one underlying problem is your relationship with your husband , who is gradually undermining your self confidence by comparing you as you are now with the way you looked as a teenager .
11 Punjabis are now with the police , and Mr Gill is a national hero .
12 Presumably your past experience has been mainly with the heavyweights ; the Venturas and CorelDRAWs of this world .
13 This might well be so with the control of aggression and of self-seeking behaviour ; I shall make one or two remarks about this question without pursuing it at length .
14 After his circuit he is to inspect the custumary and precariae ploughs and in the beginning of the sowing and threshing season , the Bailiff and Praepositus and Messor , must be together with the ploughs , through the whole day work to see that the ploughings are completed and when done , to measure the work , to instruct as to comparitive work of horses and oxen in the ploughs according to the soil .
15 We both thought an 8-iron would be enough with the wind , but it needed a club more .
16 And that , I 'm changing that way , but , if our kids have to be home with the , a group , when I went to see Squeeze .
17 ‘ Provided always that every assignment or underlease or tenancy of any kind relating to the premises shall if required by the landlord contain a covenant by the assignee underlessee or tenant and the lessee or tenant as the case may be directly with the landlord to observe and perform the covenants and conditions in this lease contained and covenants directly with the landlord in the terms of sub-clauses ( A ) and ( B ) hereof and covenants that any sub-underleases whether mediate or immediate shall contain covenants with the landlord in the terms of such sub-clauses .
18 His words startled Lucy , forcing her to say with cold dignity , ‘ I trust you do n't imagine I 'm here with the idea of setting my cap at Silas , because nothing is further from my intentions . ’
19 My name 's John and I 'm here with the teatime show this afternoon , just after Dennis , at half past four .
20 Let her be beforehand with the world , if she could !
21 Then it 'll be it 'll be even with the other one then wo n't it ?
22 Emma Jesson will be here with the weather forecast for the next two days .
23 The final takes place on June 5 , and the Clothes Show will be there with the cameras , so you can see the event for yourself .
24 When he 'd finished he stood up and asked Dad the time of the funeral so , he said , he could be there with the other brothers and sisters and the band .
25 Should n't you be there with the dawn chorus , knocking on the door , to strike while the iron 's hot ? ’
26 I think that the vast majority of the nation would expect my right hon. Friend to be there with the other leaders .
27 Well you need to sit and be quite with the Lord as to keep doing for the Lord .
28 It can not be otherwise with the approach of death ; whether we go on pilgrimage with Raleigh or put out to sea with Tennyson , the metaphor of travel is one with which the poets have made us familiar .
29 The Hercules has been there with the RAF and got on with the job .
30 And we know where we are then with the toilet .
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