Example sentences of "[be] [adv] the first " in BNC.

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1 He had been right the first time .
2 As a composer and a soloist Bach did much to champion the pianoforte , an instrument then being developed in London by German immigrant craftsmen : the sonatas Op. 5 are apparently the first works published in England to include the piano on the title-page , and Bach is credited with performing the first solo on the instrument in public in London in 1768 .
3 The best stories , though , are perhaps the first , about a middle-aged bachelor farming alone after his mother dies , and the last , about a member of the village brass band picking up a woman on a bus trip to Venice .
4 Elections , however , are only the first step .
5 Our experiments with Zeta are only the first milestone along what may be a longish road , and we can not see the end of the road .
6 National data on the use of each part of the service by age and sex , married persons and unmarried persons , is used as the basis of these weightings , but they are only the first stage .
7 When Baudelaire wrote to Manet , ‘ you are only the first in the decrepitude of your art ’ , is he meant presumably to italicize the ‘ your ’ and thus confirm that he , Baudelaire , was the first in the ‘ decrepitude ’ of his own art .
8 However , as was pointed out there , the waves predicted by such theory are only the first stage of the evolution towards turbulent motion .
9 Attlee was ecstatic about the idea of his viceroy staying on , perceiving it as ‘ a great boost for Britain and for the Commonwealth ’ , a sentiment shared by the now fully evolved Commonwealth statesman — he had been perhaps the first to see the possibilities of the role — General Smuts : ‘ This does not look like quitting ’ , he cabled to Attlee on hearing the news .
10 come on because it would have been perhaps the first time I suppose it would n't be a
11 We are just the first ones . ’
12 I thought : These are just the first hundred , for the rest of my life — strangers who 'll know , who 'll find out , who 'll try not to react but who will react .
13 ‘ These two ventures , along with the expected announcement of first gas from one of our recent discoveries in Colombia , are just the first of many exciting projects we expect to see come to fruition over the next year or so , ’ Chris told Pipeline .
14 The general SVQs which we are introducing from August 1992 are just the first of a proposed series of new general SVQs .
15 Palafox and Romana are thus the first of a long succession of generals who claimed that the army officers embodied the general will of the nation , perverted by a selfish clique of unpopular politicians .
16 You 're normally the first one home .
17 Now , a new settlement option is a last ditch option , we 're far from being the last ditch here , we 're hardly the first ditch .
18 To be known to the police as having a history of crime is sufficient to be categorized a gouger , and people in Easton who are well known as gougers are always the first suspects .
19 The shallow bays may be a degree or two warmer , and are always the first place to look in the early days , but the deeps will stay cold until real strength returns to the sun .
20 Such ideas tend to be anathema to the Army Board , not because they are against the creation of stronger reserves ; nor because of the difficulties of finding barrack accommodation and training areas in the cramped and over-populated British Isles ; but because the units withdrawn from the Continent would become vulnerable to pruning in some future retrenchment programme — reserves are always the first to go when cuts are demanded , since their size is based on subjective rather than objective judgments .
21 The fertile lowlands are always the first places to be occupied and Java was no exception .
22 In times of crisis the budgets for cultural institutions are always the first to be suspended , and in some sense this is correct : I do n't want to compete with kindergartens .
23 Eglantine also said that children are always the first to suffer and that is certainly as true today as it was then which means that the Save The Children Fund 's work is needed now as much as it was then .
24 Plants that give us both outstanding flowers and foliage are usually the first choice .
25 The fact that mothers are usually the first object of love for their offspring creates real differences between boys and girls when it comes to relinquishing that tie .
26 Windows are usually the first things to go in a riot , but medieval glass survived in many of the churches — in St. George 's and St. Martin 's , for example — and Yorkist symbols remained in the windows of St. Mary 's .
27 Equally , when cuts in expenditure are considered , capital programmes are usually the first victims .
28 Members of the Suffolk Accident Rescue Service , staff voluntarily by GPs , are usually the first doctors to arrive at the scene of car accidents where they can give specialist emergency treatment , additional to that provided by ambulance staff .
29 Such people colleagues are usually the first to voice their concerns , first to criticize union officials , yet secretly at the end of each week , their pay packet shows no deductions for trade union fees .
30 I also remember meeting Johnnie Cooper , then a subaltern , but a long serving ex-N.C.O. who had been probably the first man recruited to the infant regiment by David Stirling .
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