Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This catalogue raisonné has been keenly awaited for several years ; work began before the artist 's death in 1988 , aged eighty-six .
2 Of course , this has been keenly misread in our century .
3 These materials are predominantly based on siloxy methacrylates , which contain branched dimethyl siloxane substituents on a methacrylate stem .
4 jobs which represent an extension of the wife-mother role , such as nursing and teaching , and those which require an attractive image , such as secretaries , are predominantly filled by women .
5 Bile acids in the rat are predominantly conjugated with taurine .
6 Six of these are intended for documents which are predominantly composed of one type of text ; the other two are provided for use with texts which combine these basic tagsets .
7 The major large lipid molecules of plasma — triglycerides , cholesterol , cholesterol esters and phospholipids — are predominantly transported by stable complex water-soluble macromolecules , designated lipoproteins .
8 In all of the cells for which lipid compositional asymmetries have been described the negatively charged phospholipids are predominantly located in the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane , while the zwitterionic phospholipids , containing the phosphorylcholine headgroup , are found in the outer leaflet .
9 The changes in O 3 concentrations are predominantly confined to the latitude band of injections in July .
10 Lest the reader may point out that the examples so far are predominantly drawn from small countries and affecting only small populations , others , such as areas of China and India are discussed elsewhere in this book .
11 Price promotions are predominantly used by fast-moving consumer goods producers , especially in the grocery trade .
12 BRS users are predominantly found in the legal , government , security and publishing sectors .
13 Erm , I think Yeltsin 's threat as it were to the Ukrainian is actually a diplomatic move , he wants Ukraine to remain within the Soviet Union , er and if it does so he 's not going to make an issue of the border , but , er , if it does break away completely I think what he 's saying is well there 's a frontier that we 're going to have to reconsider because large Eastern areas of Ukraine including huge industrial towns are predominantly populated by Russians .
14 In Egypt , attacks by Islamic extremists are widely condemned by all parties , and the people stand firm behind the government .
15 These rules are still of value and are widely followed throughout Europe and Asia .
16 As well as cereals , root crops — particularly potatoes and sugar beet — are widely grown on the best arable land , whilst in areas nearer the big cities , vegetables are most profitable , particularly on well-drained sandy loams .
17 Rhizobium seeding , either by direct inoculation into soil or by inoculating legume seeds , has been successful in North America where soya beans are widely grown in soils where there are no naturally occurring rhizobial bacteria .
18 Graduates are widely sought after and experience little difficulty in securing employment with excellent career prospects .
19 The time may well arrive — indeed , that process is now under way — when the notion of the supremacy of the institutions of the Community and the primacy of Community law have become so firmly established that they are widely acknowledged to be a feature of the United Kingdom 's constitutional landscape .
20 These , then , are the techniques , rules and procedures which are widely adopted as part of the practical management of large cohorts of pupils .
21 Both propellers and silencers are widely adopted in Europe and fully approved by the German airworthiness authorities .
22 If graded tests are widely adopted within a school and if they are used properly as a means of assessing individual pupils ' ability and knowledge , according to their progress along the path of expertise , then the school must be prepared for classes that are grouped vertically , not horizontally .
23 Reservoir rocks suitable for gas production are widely developed in the Zechstein .
24 The services of hakims and the products used by them are widely advertised in Asian newspapers in Britain .
25 These are widely advertised in the evident continentality of so much of the late Permian and early Triassic record in Europe and North America .
26 Even though , as readers of the fabliaux , we may spend a good deal of time smiling at the preposterous ingenuity of gross deceptions and misdeeds — in other words things that are generically wrongs in terms of conventional Christian morality — we have already seen that substantial elements of positive Christian spirituality and conventional morality are widely represented amongst the French fabliaux .
27 Neither of these two methods , both of which are widely implemented on almost every computer architecture , addresses the third artform , technical illustration .
28 The benefits of technology transfer are widely recognised by government .
29 A SCO spokesperson said ‘ we will only license technologies that are widely accepted by our customer base ’ .
30 It is never very apparent what Freudian claims are based on , though they are widely accepted in our culture .
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