Example sentences of "[be] [adj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are sorry the bid was not successful but I am sure that , given the great community spirit here , the fund-raisers will not give up , ’ said Miss Gilroy .
2 We are sorry the photograph conflicted with the advice on our Solutions page .
3 Items are posted to the individual ledger accounts in the usual way but when the postings are complete the total is posted to the control account .
4 Once restoration and cleaning are complete the windows will go back inside new ventilated clear glass cases and non-corroding magnesium bronze frames .
5 he said he 'd been through recently , oh every time I 've been through Wolverhampton that ring road 's been awful the traffic like
6 When on 5 September the Lords Lieutenant of the four most northerly counties were ordered to make their respective militias ready for immediate service , it emerged that neither Northumberland nor Durham had been reimbursed by central government for the money they had previously spent in keeping the force mustered , while the authorities in Cumberland admitted candidly : ‘ T is so long since the militia was raised that we are apprehensive the arms are either lost or in bad order . ’
7 Although the revs are low the blades are still turning so he has it tilted back on the iron roller .
8 If the systems are weak the sample size may need to be increased .
9 I can only conclude by saying that I am sorry the situation has developed the way it has .
10 It is difficult for us to see what Polybius added to his history after 146 , but where the additions are clear the anxiety and the warning are equally clear .
11 There will be a single budget which we 've always argued for in the management committee the head of centre will and this is very important and I hope members are clear the head of centre which is the head of the Moat Centre which is the proposed under the amendment will be appointed within this financial year , will be appointed out of the existing budget .
12 When the lessons from the pilot survey have been fully learned alterations can be made where necessary , but if the work done prior to the pilot has been adequate the alterations consequent upon it should not be great .
13 Still , he was young and she had been afraid the house would be full of only old people .
14 But the long term aim is to make it all dual carriageway … hopes are high the government will announce this in a couple of years .
15 Squeeze packs therefore have a great deal to commend them but where quantities of wash water requiring dosing are high the amount of detergent thus available is too low .
16 LISTREL will supply default responses to most or all of the prompts on the pages ; if the defaults are acceptable the user can just press RETURN after viewing the page , but if changes are required to the defaults the user must TAB to each prompt to edit the response .
17 As long as there is an abundant supply of water high temperatures tend to be associated with high rates of weathering , although this does not necessarily result in deep weathering profiles for , as we have already noted , where slope gradients are steep the products of weathering may be removed almost as soon as they are created .
18 I am afraid the cutting or the great Toxicodendron [ poison ivy ] is perished ; for it lay at the bottom of the box , where there had been wet .
19 ‘ You got in my way , ’ Kopyion stated in a cold , humourless manner , ‘ and I am afraid the consequences will be grave . ’
20 I am afraid the blame lies with the saboteurs .
21 I readily acknowledge that this is a very difficult request but I am afraid the timescale has to he met .
22 I caught the rollerskating bit but am afraid the rest of it must have passed me by .
23 The pastoral work of the church can not be done without adequate financial support and I am afraid the support we are getting at the moment is simply not enough for all we are doing . ’
24 I am afraid the lighting is not ideal . ’
25 ‘ I am afraid the view will not now be as good as I promised , ’ Lubor apologised .
26 If we could succeed in defining accurately and agreeing upon the meaning of the terms which we are employing , then I am afraid the House of Commons would be very largely deserted .
27 Because the trust is a foreign trust and the original sources of the income are foreign the payments give rise to a Case V , Schedule D source .
28 When the motives are wrong the venue is nearly always far less than the best .
29 ( If both ends are free the boundary condition is cosh ml = + 1 . )
30 ‘ I am delighted the A.S.A. has launched a special enquiry into it , and I shall be very interested to see what conclusions they come up with .
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