Example sentences of "[be] [prep] all time " in BNC.

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1 They were at all times called by their Yiddish names Bashelaya , Shinageetel , and Riffka .
2 Professor Saville has written that the old unions ‘ were able to rely upon the skill of their members as a crucial bargaining weapon ’ but ‘ the new unionists were at all times , even in years of good trade , subject to the pressures of an over-stocked labour market ’ .
3 Their flowers appear over several weeks in summer and are at all times most striking and handsome .
4 Every human being makes an imprint on their surroundings because we are at all times radiating energy which is soaked up and stored by items around us .
5 The actualizing tendency suggests that even these failing individuals are at all times capable of growth and development , so it is an essentially optimistic view of the human condition , and this is particularly important when working with older people .
6 Section 222 provides that accounting records are at all times to be open for inspection by officers of the company .
7 Touring caravans are at all times to be treated as trailers for the purposes of the application of the Agreement .
8 The exercise of these duties has been at all times , and remains , subject to the visitorial jurisdiction of the judges .
9 In addition , the German question and the European question are inseparable : ‘ the German question is at all times a European question too . ’
10 Norwich Union 's aim is at all times to provide a first class standard of service .
11 The weapon 's computer thus knows where it is at all times , without relying on any signals from outside .
12 The subconscious mind is at all times fully protective and will not allow the patient to betray himself by his actions or his words .
13 This has sometimes been justified on security grounds but often the argument has been that disclosure is not in the public interest , that " secrecy is at all times the condition in which the best men make the best decisions . "
14 Li Yuan is not to know , but I want us to know where Kim is at all times .
15 I beg to move , to leave out from ’ House ’ to the end of the Question and to add instead thereof : regrets that Her Majesty 's Government 's preoccupation with divisions in its own Party has meant that in the Inter-Governmental Conferences it has not taken the negotiating approach necessary to ensure that the United Kingdom exercises decisive influence on the future of the Community in ways which will help to advance the living and working standards of the people of this country in company with other peoples of Europe ; calls upon Her Majesty 's Government to work for an agreement at the European Council which ensures inclusion of the Social Charter , qualified majority voting on social and environmental matters , powers for the European Parliament to hold the Commission to account in ways that complement the role of national parliaments , decision-making at the level — local , regional , national or Community — where maximum democratic control is at all times exercised , foreign and security policy co-operation without the development of a European Community military role , widening of the Community as rapidly as practicable , co-operation to combat terrorism and other crime , and strengthened powers for ECOFIN as the politically responsible counterpart to any European Central Bank system ; and urges the Government to work to secure agreement to , and adopt policies for , high levels of employment , sustainable non-inflationary growth , balanced regional and national economic development and social cohesion , and for the fundamental reform of the CAP , in order to achieve real economic convergence in the years leading to economic and monetary union and a single currency as the essential foundation for those changes and to safeguard the long-term interests of the people of the United Kingdom . ' .
16 This need not , however , suggest ( as Saunders sometimes does indeed imply ) that owner-occupation is at all times and in all places an optimum means of gaining control over one 's own life .
17 However , the British civil courts have ruled that the payment was unlawful and that the money was at all times the property of Guinness .
18 Assessment of capital very much influenced that , and it was ‘ of the highest importance ’ that it was at all times a proper influence .
19 Despite the fact that he had worked for most of the period of his contract in England , lived in England , was paid in English currency and paid National Insurance contributions in the UK , he was at all times liable to be recalled to Dhaka .
20 He was at all times placid , unruffled , cool , calm and collected .
21 He was at all times happy , said his lordship , to give his assent to any measure that could relieve the unfortunate debtor without giving an opportunity to the adulterer , the swindler etc. to take advantage of the same law — .
22 Yet in their intensity , their beauty and their perfection , Werner Bischof 's photographs speak of a life that was at all times deeply considered and lived to the full .
23 My relationship with Marcia Williams was at all times rather chilly .
24 I was at all times impressed by their standard of workmanship .
25 It is the defendant 's case that the plaintiff was at all times , pushing to proceed as a matter of urgency on the deal .
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