Example sentences of "[be] [prep] all [art] " in BNC.

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1 Equally , everybody knows why everybody stays , they 've been through all the arguments a hundred times before and now they do n't need to any more , now they know they 're not to blame and their husbands are n't the homicidal maniacs some theorists would have them be .
2 ‘ And , Sir Richard , ’ Cranston continued , ‘ you have now been through all the memoranda , documents , household books and accounts in your brother 's possession .
3 People say that Lee is either precious or lazy ( make up yer minds , f—wits ! ) , but it 's become manifest that these songs are worth all the tons of grief and introspection and the endless re-tuning .
4 His principle is to maintain the gardens and grounds as they are for all the residents , so that from outside it is not apparent that the building has been divided up .
5 ‘ You must show cookie here how grateful you are for all the trouble she 's taken . ’
6 A closer look at the DoNH budget reveals extraordinary disparities ; including the fact that they will , by 1995–96 , be giving more than 10 times as much to each of several central London museums than they are for all the national activities and programmes of the English Tourist Board .
7 This book is for Ear'ole , who has been as enthusiastic about my shop as she has been about all the other things that I have tackled , and then begged her to help with .
8 Supposing that the essential words conferring the primacy on all successive archbishops of Canterbury were in fact in the letters which Lanfranc mentioned , why did he go on at such length about the facts drawn from Bede , when a single quotation from one of the passages granting the primacy in perpetuity to the archbishops of Canterbury would have been worth all the rest of his argument put together ?
9 " But it 's been worth all the pain and trouble . "
10 We 're trying to look to the gaps , and I wonder if we are , as you suggest in the comments that you 've received perhaps losing , we 're not perhaps sufficiently direct in addressing the parish organizations which are after all the core of a parish .
11 Erm we 've feel we 've gone as far as it 's practical to go to meet erm what are after all the genuine needs of genuine needs of our own population .
12 The policy of this council over the last couple of years has been to get down to that figure enforced upon us as gracefully as possible with the least damage to our services and the least damage to the morale of our staff and our staff are after all the most important asset that a local authority possesses and that is what we 're trying to consider .
13 Palestrina 's more than a hundred Masses are of all the familiar types : Masses like ‘ Aeterna Christi munera ’ , based on the plainsong Matins hymn , ‘ parodies ’ like ‘ Assumpta est Maria ’ based on his own six-part motet , freely composed ones like the Missa Papae Marcelli and Missa brevis , to mention only a few supremely fine examples .
14 We 're against all the stupid surfing talk that 's gone on . ’
15 ‘ You 're like all the rest , ’ he said with disappointment , reading her helplessness with humiliating ease .
16 ‘ I suppose you 're like all the rest — a city-kid who 's never been away from the busy streets before . ’
17 Yeah well they 're from all the
18 It was significant that this terse declaration spoke only of the military aspects of what had been above all a social and political conflict .
19 ‘ Well , considering I 'm working as hard as I am with all the stress involved , I think I 'm probably very fit . ’
20 I am in all the history books .
21 He was more frightened than he had been in all the time he had been with them , and he could tell that the girl was frightened too , by her quick , shallow breathing .
22 What especially pleases me is that we are extraordinarily popular and that Wolfgang is admired here even more than he has been in all the other towns of Italy ; the reason is that Bologna is the centre and dwelling-place of many masters , artists and scholars .
23 It had been in all the national papers , but news is quickly forgotten , and at that time Willi must have been mourning his wife , trying to cope with loneliness and a small son , submerged in his own misery .
24 I 've probably been in all the shops down there but I , I do n't know what the name is .
25 I see Chummy has been round all the desks . ’
26 Europe is here , English is the language of Europe , the influences are from all the other countries .
27 The lesson was , of course , that I must never , ever cry for myself for I was a lucky little girl ; my tears should be for all the strong , brave women who gave me life .
28 She arrived back down in Gavarnie , ‘ still merry and confident ’ according to the Anna lists , as well she might be for all the effort she had had to make .
29 For the good student , therefore , there is nothing more important in examination technique than dividing up his time as equally as may be between all the questions .
30 There will be after all a fascist candidate in Darlington in the forthcoming election . ’
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