Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 Well some are for tonight as well .
2 ‘ You ai n't already been in there as well , ‘ ave you , ma'am ? ’
3 A bloke called Adrian happened to be in there as well .
4 I would be putting everything I needed into the horse box until about ten o'clock and at about half past ten my horse and it 's tack would be in there as well and I would be on my way with my day to an eleven thirty meet at a pub nearby .
5 For feminists , one interesting implication of the idea that Trudgill puts forward , and of his findings , is that gender allegiance seems to be at least as powerful for men ( in the attitudes they express , if not in their behaviour ) as class allegiance .
6 The temples in their turn were elaborated and apparently enlarged : their importance in relation to the towns and the rural hinterlands continued to be at least as great , if not greater .
7 The organization and reorganization of the state must be understood to be at least as much the product of the wishes of state officials as of social pressures .
8 Any archaeological sites not destroyed in this process are likely to be at least as severely damaged by the roots of the trees , which are usually set as close together as is economically viable .
9 Significantly , however , the Circular ignored the recommendation that opportunities for further in-service training should be at least as generous for teachers in further education as those in the schools .
10 In order to provide an adequate period of relief it should be at least as long as the first sentence of the theme .
11 It follows that increasing the efficiency of labour , and improving the organizational structure of UK firms , may be at least as important in generating economic growth as raising the level of investment .
12 This does not mean that all these methods should be banned : on the contrary — banning contraception might simply lead to a sudden rise in both abortion and childbirth , both of which are likely to be at least as dangerous for women 's health in a poor country .
13 The exemption of gifts and bequests between spouses is certainly to be welcomed , and the amended regulations which provide reasonable scope for gifts to charity are a belated honouring of the promise in the White Paper that charities would be at least as well off as under the old estate duty .
14 The analysis of the environment of an organisation , including the economic environment , needs to be supplemented by analysis of the political and cultural realities of the organisation , which may be at least as influential in the formation of the company goals and will be very important to the success of information systems .
15 Kessler and McLeod also found plausible evidence in three studies that the buffering effects of emotional support might be at least as important in circumstances of chronic strain as for people facing the acute stress of major events .
16 The Foxton Lift seems almost to have come and gone in secret ; the remains at Foxton were until recently as mysterious to most people as the Iron Age hill fort at Burrough on the Hill on another side of Leicestershire .
17 Her house keys were on there as well . ’
18 It is quite true that the Americans were at least as worried about the British as the British were about them , but for very different reasons .
19 Although people in the Cape Town ballet world thought highly of his promise , John 's talent as a choreographer was not regarded as proved by the time he left South Africa ( at only eighteen , why should it have been ? ) , and other young choreographers were at least as highly thought of .
20 Brown 's humble origins and lack of formal education are said to have induced his insecurity and lack of confidence ; but Bevin , whose origins were at least as humble , laboured under no such handicaps .
21 However , current research shows that early humans did not generally rely on a meat diet , but that plant foods were at least as important : far from being mighty hunters , early humans are more likely to have been opportunist scavengers .
22 The setting up of the Bank of England in 1694 was a major step in the foundation of a sound system of public credit , but the secondary effects of its establishment were at least as important for the development of the eighteenth-century economy .
23 There are those who claim that canvassing the votes of the electorate is a waste of time : that they are at least as likely to vote for you if you leave them alone as they are if you go round and bother them at night .
24 In some cases , depending on the type of issue addressed , formal statements by governments , whether in public speeches , reports or military manuals , are at least as valuable or even more so .
25 It is significant that the states defeated in the second world war , on which a higher degree of devolution was imposed — presumably in reaction against fascist centralisation — lack most of the separatist movements of the rest of Western Europe , though on paper Bavaria and Sicily are at least as obvious breeding- grounds for such movements as Scotland and the francophone parts of the Bernese Jura .
26 A recent survey of computer managers in the UK gave the rather obvious answer that they kept missing project deadlines because of shortcomings in the following areas : CAUSE RANKING Program Maintenance 1 Estimating 2 Staff Shortage 3 Project Management 4 Planning 5 What was not considered in the results of the survey were the following further considerations , which in my experience are at least as significant .
27 But trade flows are at least as sensitive to the level of non-tariff barriers as they are to tariffs themselves .
28 People problems are at least as difficult and often more important than the technological problems .
29 Systems analysts are trained in and knowledgeable of the technological and economic aspects of computer applications but far more rarely on the human aspects which are at least as important .
30 You have got to show you are at least as good and a little bit extra to cover your back . ’
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