Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was as though they had returned to the relationship there had been between them on Ridgery Butts when he had taught her to use the bow , and encouraged her with gentle praise .
2 The chemistry had been between them from the start , waiting only for a wayward spark to ignite it .
3 ‘ I was disappointed at what happened , but I 'm not the only one who has been through something like that .
4 Nearly always some compromise can be reached with the vendor , depending on whether it is a buyer 's or a seller 's market , but at least you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you 've been through everything with a fine tooth comb , that you 've done the best you possibly can and know what you are letting yourself in for !
5 ‘ I have been through everything in there , ’ he said .
6 Margaret had not been through anything like the rebellion her sister had known , but they both shared a great sense of elation .
7 We 'd been discussing something else , and I said it out of the blue , but in my mind it was as if we 'd just been talking about Oliver , and the way she answered , as if she thought we 'd just been talking about Oliver too and there was n't any break in that conversation even though we 'd been through lots of different subjects in the meantime , made me feel very cheerful .
8 Er and then finally on Mr Thomas , er Mr Thomas erm , a number of occasions has er has referred to these sites in and around the er er urban area , if Mr Thomas would like us to show us a list of those sites , er we will look at them , we 've been through it on a number of occasions , square inch almost by square inch , but I 'd be very interested for Mr Thomas 's list of sites in and around the urban area .
9 He 'd never been through it since the time Barry had locked him in .
10 ‘ Cropper will have been through it with a toothcomb . ’
11 ‘ I 've got broad shoulders and I 've been through it as a player .
12 Firstly , er , I could assure the committee that the working party on provision of secondary and primary places which is published by the education committee , is taking the auditor 's report very seriously , and has been through it in detail , and has er , drawn up a programme of , of analysis , erm , over the next few months , very much taking into account the district auditor 's comments .
13 It was very difficult to remember who had been for what at which particular period .
14 ‘ Gentle , indeed ! ’ she said ‘ And if I were as gentle in the market as I have been for him at home , how does he think I would manage ? ’
15 The England that Pound mourns the loss of is , as it had been for him from the first , an integral province of western Europe , sharing a common culture with France and always reaching out , through France , to the shores of the Mediterranean .
16 Blanche thought she detected a flicker of self-satisfaction , as though she had confirmed what had been for him until then just a suspicion .
17 Not many of the words are worth anything at all by themselves .
18 Surely all three are for us among the great achievements of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries ?
19 In theory , both are as one in opposing water passing from public ownership and control .
20 All nations are as nothing beside him ;
21 ‘ Then your feelings for me are as mine for you ? ’ he asked softly .
22 Frog eggs are about one to two millimetres in diameter and , like the chick , have enough yolk to enable them to grow to a stage when they can feed themselves .
23 If celibacy and the life of professed religious women are about anything at all , they are about this hidden strand both within the Christian tradition in particular and in women 's lives in general .
24 I 've been after them for a long time and I 'll get them for this . ’
25 I remember at the time Wilko saying how he though Kerslake was an excellent buy , and how he 'd been after him for a long time .
26 Funny thing was , he thought to himself , as he walked back to his own house , they might not have been after me at all .
27 Oh , Charlie , you 've done it now , because she 's been after you for years .
28 I am more certain of that than I am of anything in my life , and although it is a slow and at times agonizing road I tread , the time will come when I shall be heard and cleared of the indictment held against me .
29 The problems of agency are of themselves by no means insignificant in the professional preoccupations of any lawyer endowed with a respectable commercial practice .
30 We 're for it for patriotic reasons .
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