Example sentences of "[conj] information [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The school librarian can produce a library bulletin or newspaper in an attractive format and pupils can be encouraged to use the library as an information base in the truest sense — where information about the school is gathered , classified and presented back to the school in a readable and attractive form .
2 The first assumes that one can distinguish between process and content in a discipline , between methods or procedures on the one hand , and content or information on the other .
3 He said he had not been told it would be an offence and had not received any advice or information on the disease .
4 He said he had not been told it would be an offence and had not received any advice or information on the disease .
5 These fishing fleets would continue to be a hazard for reconnaissance parties , and by the summer of 1943 there were often several German guards with each fleet to prevent the smuggling of people or information between the Allies and occupied territories .
6 The information may be text , numbers , colours and so on , or information for the computer central processor unit .
7 That is , it does not directly make use of information about the length of words , or information about the overall word shape .
8 They may call you for product details or information about the company which makes the product .
9 It follows that an anaphor might be understood using information about the previous text or information about the situation the text describes .
10 If access is refused , or information about the child 's whereabouts withheld , they must apply for an emergency protection , child assessment , care or supervision order unless satisfied that the child 's welfare can be satisfactorily safeguarded without such action ( s47(6) ) .
11 However , there has been very little guidance or information from the Scottish Office relating to the transitional arrangements for RECHAR and how the Regional Council can maximise potential additional capital consents in 1993–94 .
12 Further details regarding this scheme or information concerning the points of sale is available from Peter Tolson in Brighton Borough Council 's Technical Services Department , Bartholomew House , Bartholomew Square , Brighton BN1 1JP .
13 The work of Cabinet committees should not be disclosed , nor official advice given to ministers , nor material about inter-departmental exchanges of matters of policy , nor information about the level at which decisions were made .
14 Governors need to make sure that information about the school is available in the local library , welfare clinics and doctors ' surgeries and that all local community groups are invited to school functions .
15 The first is that the brain is organized with a considerable amount of parallel wiring , so that information about the same event may be encoded in the activity of a number of cells , not necessarily adjacent to each other .
16 The Delivery Team will be responsible for ensuring that information about the Compact permeates the whole community through regular newsletters and press releases , as well as through public meetings .
17 It is generally accepted that in order to watch over an executive , the system of supervision has to be constructed in parallel so that information about the salient issues is extracted at the right time and the process of scrutiny is based on this information and takes place when the decision is still open .
18 As we saw in this chapter , more recently it has been found that this account of processing can not be correct for at least three reasons : ( a ) there is evidence that syntactic and semantic processing is not delayed until the end of the clause ; ( b ) there is evidence that information about the specific wording is retained after the end of a clause if that clause contains nonspecific words which subsequent clauses will disambiguate ; ( c ) specific wording will also be retained if it has pragmatic significance .
19 But he rejects the popular belief that information about the city 's blitz was suppressed to avoid damaging civilian morale .
20 Gennery says that information on the dangers were ‘ verbally communicated to officials of the Department of Health in July 1981 ’ .
21 The proposal has been retained as the Board believes that information on the market value of liabilities is relevant to an assessment of the economic position of the company ( Discussion Paper , paragraphs 3.31-3.35 ) .
22 Matters are further complicated by the fact that information from the two eyes is brought together in the primary visual cortex .
23 For instance , subdivision under major entries of the index is desirable to ensure that information in the text can be located without delay .
24 This is largely because there has always been so much more speculation than information about the personal stability of Perry Farrell .
25 Although information about the roles of heads is argued as being incomplete , particularly if new bases are needed for management training , there seems little doubt that their willingness to help the performance of their colleagues by taking on more of the low-level chores of school life can be misdirected .
26 The physical examination provided information on the constipation .
27 The prosecution alleged that Nelson had played a pivotal role in collecting information on individuals for the UDA and , at the same time , provided information about the UDA to military intelligence .
28 The clinical interview provided information about the severity and diagnosis of disorders , but also enabled researchers to measure onset and course using a concept of change-points : a point in time when an increase or decrease in the number of symptoms led to a noticeable change in a woman 's psychiatric state .
29 In co-operating animals , the mutual benefits of working together can be greatly enhanced if information about the state of the external world can be transmitted from one individual to another .
30 Other questions will be asked about date of birth of surviving spouse , and information about the state pensions and allowances that the person was receiving , including war pensions .
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