Example sentences of "[conj] something in the " in BNC.

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1 I Saw Three Ships or something in the region or something ?
2 Er if it was something serious , like say we 'd had a murder or something in the village
3 Lesley-Jane Decker had seen someone or something in the wings the previous night and it had made her scream .
4 He 'd been er had an accident in the quarry some time ago and he was working in the helping as a mate or something in the carpenter 's shop and he he must have been h must have had his hands in our pile of finished products and er Well partly finished products and er he er he was caught one of the cos er these castings there was a an edge to them you know , the joint of the the mould that came together sort of thing .
5 ‘ His reactions were like lightning , I 'll give him that , but there was a table or something in the way , thank Christ .
6 You see if you 're if you do have a display caravan you can probably do some some grass displays of of large bearings or something in the front of it
7 er , I 'll do , you know the afternoon or a morning or something in the middle school
8 he always calls it lamade or something in the morning , do n't you ?
9 hedge or something in the front ca n't you ?
10 We could just fall back on a bit of sweets and chocolate or something in the end but I 'd like to get some
11 Yeah , I three pound ten pence or something in the vegetable shop that was er two pound forty for a cauli cabbage and er carrots .
12 Be able to , at least be able to sit out or something in the summer .
13 Thus the Lacanian account of the impossibility of desire often cites the following passage from Freud 's ‘ On the Universal Tendency to Debasement in the Sphere of Love ’ : ‘ It is my belief that , however strange it may sound , we must reckon with the possibility that something in the nature of the sexual instinct itself is unfavourable to the realization of complete satisfaction , ( vii .
14 It is considered that something in the region of 40g daily should be quite sufficient to protect your health in all the ways which have been described , and to make it much easier for you to control your weight in the future .
15 I have a sensation of heat as I approach the fire ; but when I approach the same fire too closely , I have a sensation of pain ; so there is nothing to convince me that something in the fire resembles heat , any more than the pain ; it is just that there must be something in it ( whatever this may turn out to be ) that produces the sensations of heat or pain .
16 The ocean carrier , therefore , was deemed to warrant to the consignor safe transport and delivery and could avoid liability only if he proved that something in the nature of force majeure had intervened .
17 The costs of a non-Europe research programme suggest that something in the region of 0.5 per cent of Community GDP may be " wasted " by nations favouring domestic public procurement policies and therefore an effective competition policy to counteract such protection measures must be accompanied by a re-distributive regional policy .
18 The final words , and something in the tone of his voice , sent a chill up Melissa 's spine .
19 Although his name , and something in the manner of his paintings , suggest French extraction , Philip Mercier was in fact born in Germany .
20 It was as if something in the skinny mare compelled him ; he did not look at any of the others .
21 The attribute whiteness ( it may be said ) is not the fact of receiving the sensation , but something in the object itself ; a power inherent in it ; something in virtue of which the object produces the sensation ’ .
22 He had not meant to be the first to speak , but something in the other 's silence compelled him .
23 It was hot and muscular , not a smell but something in the air .
24 But something in the way Chambers kept glancing sidelong at her kept her on her guard .
25 There was only the one word , but something in the way he looked made her hesitate .
26 He did n't break his stride or slow down , and she practically had to run to keep up with him , but something in the set of his jaw worried her .
27 When a customer buys goods ‘ on impulse ’ it is often because something in the window display has caught his eye .
28 Though something in the provenance or context of the document may justify Husameddin 's assertion , it must be noted that the signature itself does not do so .
29 This originates , he says , ‘ when something in the ego coincides with the ego ideal ’ ( or superego ) .
30 Certainly he saw the Pinkie campaign not only as a military endeavour , but as something in the nature of a religious crusade ; Scotland would be snatched not just from alliance with France , but from the yoke of Rome .
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