Example sentences of "[conj] also at the " in BNC.

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1 As humans , it seems from experience that we can actually perceive at both these two levels — at the gross physical level , through our outer organs of perception , and also at the subtle , more inward , level .
2 Manchester University organise extra-mural courses at the Dominican Centre in Withington , South Manchester , and also at the Wellspring Centre in Stockport .
3 And for some unknown reason a lot of Hawaiian musicians played in these travelling shows , and also at the World Fairs around the turn of the century — a lot of people must have seen them there .
4 This booklet is available at the Faculty headquarters and also at the various homoeopathic hospitals and clinics around the country .
5 I have therefore devoted little space to the problem in this study , but those who feel that it is important might well look at Dr Johnson 's comments on Macbeth — he disliked ‘ the Butcher 's knife ’ — and also at the correspondence between Gerard Manley Hopkins and Robert Bridges .
6 The world is recent at the dawn of human history and also at the start of a child 's life because at both times it is perceived by new eyes .
7 Mean arterial pressure was similar between groups during placebo ( 97 ( 8 ) mm Hg in enalapril group v 97 ( 8 ) mm Hg in hydrochlorothiazide group ; p=0.996 ) and also at the end of follow up ( 89 ( 8 ) mm Hg in enalapril group v 93 ( 10 ) mm Hg in hydrochlorothiazide group ; p=0.2613 ) .
8 Having achieved a degree of fertility , the calves will then be born at a time of reduction in nutritional inputs , and also at the outset of a housing period with all its attendant disease factors .
9 Donna sat in the sitting-room , glancing endlessly at the sheets of paper they 'd picked up from the bank that day and also at the notes Ward had left .
10 Press each pleat to the heading behind with a few hand stitches and also at the base of the stiffening , to hold in position ( fig. 44 ) .
11 This project , which is being carried out by George Bain is concerned with analysing patterns of union growth at an aggregate level and also at the level of individual occupations and industries .
12 Kinga , himself a southerner , said that he had resigned in protest at the government 's intention to " Islamicize " the south and also at the " persecution " of " hundreds of thousands of displaced southerners " in the region around Khartoum .
13 Copies of the draft Rules of the new Executive Share Option Scheme ( which are subject to modification to satisfy Inland Revenue requirements ) will be available for inspection during normal business houses on any weekday ( Saturdays and Public Holidays excepted ) up to the date of the Meeting at the offices of Hill Samuel Bank Ltd , , at the Registered Office of the Company and also at the meeting itself .
14 Workshops at Ellesmere Port carry out the servicing , refuelling and washing of all P&O Roadtanks vehicles based at the depot and also at the massive Shell refinery at nearby Stanlow .
15 And now , particularly the point about making D S O's customer oriented , I have stressed again and again , both privately to Mr and Mr , and also at the D S O managing board , and I think public session .
16 prospect erm and also at the beginning there y I you , you did it in your own way , not , not , not following the script er that may be , well be previous experience you know , that
17 But the instructions were no more effective here than in the Ukraine , and , as we shall see , it was Georgia that came to sum up Lenin 's revulsion not only at the implementation of Party policy in the national field , but also at the general evolution of the Party .
18 Uplands Lados had an extremely impressive track record : he won the challenge not only at the Melbourne Royal , but also at the Sydney Royal .
19 She felt angry inside , not only at her father 's stupid bragging but also at the young man 's attitude towards him .
20 He continued to work hard and regularly up to his death not just at the drawing and painting he loved but also at the mechanics of his etching and the presentation of his work to the public .
21 It took me some time to put the fantastic story of the Gauguin inheritance behind me — not out of my mind , but to the back of it , not only because I wondered if they might deteriorate , but also at the bizarre irony of a family sitting on a fortune which they refused to touch .
22 East Anglian surveyors Bidwells have taken up the cudgels on behalf of farmers not only at the timescale for completion of claim forms for area and set-aside payments and ewe and beef premiums , but also at the fines which could result from late or incorrect returns .
23 The General and Municipal union 's white collar section ( MATSA ) has started an experimental recruitment campaign aimed not just at " non-standard " workers who are part-time and temporary but also at the self-employed .
24 At its best such a book will not only provide a satisfying solution to the murder puzzle which it still must have , but also at the same time the solution of the mystery should reveal finally what it was the novel had to say .
25 This significance is visible not only at the ideological and cultural level , but also at the economic and political level .
26 One of the most important areas of credit management is risk assessment , not only looking at the individual customer companies concerned , but also at the current financial background in which they operate .
27 The result of this decision necessitates that tribunals look not just at the nature of the offence but also at the severity or leniency of the punishment .
28 It hit at the root of his male pride , but also at the basis of his love for her .
29 The materials research programme encompasses a range of technologies aimed not only at supporting existing businesses , but also at the development of new ones .
30 Disquiet among supporters of the regime was to be found not only in the St Petersburg ministries but also at the imperial court and in the provinces .
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