Example sentences of "[conj] also in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is used for entry into a holding pattern from sector 2 and also in approach patterns .
2 We both took part in Christmas plays and also in temperance plays .
3 It 's been influential very recently in clinical psychology and also in work psychology .
4 Perhaps the subject area which has changed most in recent years , both in terms of student numbers and also in course provision , is teacher education .
5 I 'll play the odd game for the Harlequins Gentlemen for some exercise and also in charity events , but that is all ’ — PAUL ACKFORD ( former England lock ) on rumours that he might be persuaded to return to the international scene .
6 In the last three decades there has been considerable success for auctioneering , both in terms of money and also in prestige .
7 Children described to the interviewers how they had been referred to the library to find information on Inuits and Eskimos in basic studies , Scott of the Antarctic in history , and Alexander Fleming in science , while one child described how : In RE sometimes Miss asks us to go and find out ( like ) some information and also in literacy ( like ) there are some people who write letters backwards and Miss asks us to go back and see if we could find any .
8 Analysts suggested that Celli 's announcement was intended to counter the May 11 claim by opposition deputies and AD dissidents that they had collected more than 100 signatures from congressmen in favour of reducing the current term of President Carlos Andres Pérez and that of the legislature by one year ( to four years ) , and also in favour of the use of the referendum as a permanent formula to guarantee the public 's participation in political affairs .
9 What you really want is the facility of moving the binoculars freely in any direction , in altitude and also in azimuth .
10 It seems necessary to try to simplify and improve the machinery in the interests of the Board 's work , and also in order that the University and voluntary associations may be able to show to LEAs that their share in adult education will be effectively conducted .
11 In some cases , this has been done deliberately to encourage use of calculators , and also in order to change the emphasis in the aspects of number which are taught and learned .
12 According to The Hindu of March 31 , Lal had acted in order to pre-empt a possible move by Singh to remove Chauthala from the party and also in order to convey a message to the Prime Minister that any action against his son " could not only evoke resistance but provoke counterattacks " .
13 Then there was Payne Stewart in waterproofs and also in water , playing splash shots like a rabbit .
14 In a couple of landscapes executed at Carrières Saint-Denis , where he had spent a week or so working in the company of Derain , late in the autumn of 1909 , Braque had already begun to transform the subtlety and observational quality of the Roche Guyon landscapes into tighter , more arbitrary compositions , reminiscent in the emphasis on the vertical and horizontal structure broken by forty-five degree diagonals ( and also in colour , which is once again darker and harsher ) of the Maisons à Estaque .
15 Abnormal Msp I fragment patterns were detected in patients E , C and G ( lanes 4 , 5 and 9 , respectively ) and also in patient D ( not shown ) using the partial cDNA 6G11 .
16 Serum concentrations of pepsinogen A and C were measured in serologically Helicobacter pylori negative blood transfusion donors ( 127 ) as reference population , and in patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome ( 24 ) , duodenal ulcer ( 50 ) , hypertrophic gastropathy ( 5 ) , and chronic renal failure ( 50 ) , and also in reflux oesophagitis patients on longterm omeprazole treatment ( 28 ) .
17 In Chapter 6 ( Party Games ) , there is a special section for number games and also in Chapter 8 ( Amaze Your Child ) .
18 If a coherent theory of literacy is to be developed , it will have to account for the place of written language , both in relation to the forms of spoken language and also in relation to the communicative functions served by different types of language in different social settings .
19 The Wedgwood Group is committed to ensuring a high standard of environmental management within its factories and also in relation to its operation and existence within the local and wider community , recognising this as an integral part of its Total Quality Management programme .
20 The Group is therefore committed to ensuring a high standard of environmental management both within the factories and also in relation to operation and existence within the local and wider community .
21 Specifically I notice his comment in relation to the Christie Miller controversy , and also in relation to certain matters involving the police .
22 If case management is expected to improve the client 's QOL , then the client 's subjective assessment of his or her well-being is a crucial component in assessment and also in outcome measurement .
23 For factors associated with a significant change ( p<0.05 ) in healing rate , odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were calculated for healing rates at two , four , and eight weeks with regard to the individual risk factors and also in respect of all combinations of two of these risk factors .
24 Fluorite occurs in oreshoots within major veins up to 20km long and 10m wide , and also in stratabound replacement orebodies ( flats ) adjacent to veins as well as numerous minor veins ( Greenwood and Smith , 1977 ) .
25 In common with all other liquids , from petrol to treacle , molten rocks have a viscosity , and also in common with other liquids , the viscosity decreases with increasing temperature .
26 Certainly in principle , and also in fact , the gene reaches out through the individual body wall and manipulates objects in the world outside , some of them inanimate , some of them other living beings , some of them a long way away .
27 Jose Carreras has had some practice singing out of doors — he sang in the grounds of Castle Howard last year and also in front of a 15,000-strong audience in Bath .
28 We 've seen an increase in orders from business units around the world and also in information supplied and requests for inclusion . ’
29 Of Baking , Marie Ure says : ‘ Once again I am lost in admiration at the magnificent response to the appeal , in quantity , in quality and also in imagination .
30 Surere looked at him searchingly before , satisfied that he could place his trust here , and also in need of an audience , he began :
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