Example sentences of "[conj] only [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 By the same token , certain curriculum areas ( notably topic work and art ) might be seen as of tow priority and requiring little more than occasional and cursory monitoring by the teacher , with the result that unless the tasks set have an exceptionally high combination of challenge , motivating power and self-monitoring potential , children may spend excessive amounts of time either off-task or only partially engaged , or undertaking low-level learning .
2 What strategies do children rely on when they do not understand what is said , or only partially understand ?
3 The adoral shields are short , rectangular in shape , they do not or only just separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
4 O. valenciennesi rufescens differs from O. valenciennesi Lyman ( Challenger Stn 192 off Kei Is 236 m ) in the following respects : the disk spinelets are not as rugose as those of O. valenciennesi and the adoral shields do not or only just separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate , those of O. valenciennesi are more wing-like and extend to the genital slits .
5 The adoral shields are long wing-like and flared distally separating or only just separating the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
6 The question is , will interest rates be strongly or only slightly affected by changes in money supply , and will aggregate demand be strongly or only slightly affected by changes in interest rates ?
7 The question is , will interest rates be strongly or only slightly affected by changes in money supply , and will aggregate demand be strongly or only slightly affected by changes in interest rates ?
8 Indeed , many of the conservation statutes in Kenya , Zambia , Zimbabwe and Tanzania , which the post-colonial governments have resurrected or only slightly redrafted , date from the British administration .
9 At the higher income levels the higher marginal tax rate encourages employers and their wealthier employees respectively to provide and seek forms of income that are untaxable or only slightly taxed .
10 Notwithstanding the above , some schools persisted with , or only cosmetically adapted , their existing management structures .
11 Horvath 's re-graphing of some of Labov 's data in terms of ‘ natural ’ linguistic groupings even suggests that sex should take precedence over class as the major speaker variable ; she remarks that ‘ if social class is seen to take precedence , then these other social dimensions might remain hidden or only dimly perceived ’ ( Horvath 1985 : 64 ) .
12 Eden is always somewhere else , or someone else 's — or else it is snatched away after only a moment , at most , or only distantly seen , felt or known .
13 Its effects are to make women more vulnerable to job loss , to exclude or only inequitably compensate them , and to perpetuate poverty through insufficient payments .
14 In the work of the next generation or two one often feels that this balance is lost or only precariously preserved .
15 Another , more popular , way of working indirectly is to place the-participants in a role that only obliquely connects with the topic .
16 In the case of the Hexagon , you 'll have three legs provided , but one of the delights of this shape is that only rarely does it need bridle adjustment .
17 The damage done by these species is so great that only rarely do they produce enough identifiable remains for them to be countable .
18 Not only would this be inefficient and therefore slow , but introspection suggests that only rarely do we consciously ponder the pronunciations of words .
19 Moreover the assay requires immunoprecipitation that might be detrimental for detection of proteins ( other than bZIP proteins ) that only weakly associate with CREB or that might prevent recognition of CREB by the CREB antobody .
20 One of its tenets is that only well educated and professionally trained individuals have the competence to work with the mass media .
21 In the second half Leeds looked slightly better but almost went 2–1 down when poor marking let one the Crewe forwards in with a chance , the ball came across from the right wing and the bloke had a shot at goal from about 12 yards out that only just missed .
22 When an ion beam is incident on a surface at a grazing angle , each surface atom is shadowed by its neighbouring atom so that only forward scattering is possible .
23 They demonstrated that the reduced production of 6-oxo-prostaglandin F 1 α , seen in chronically diabetic rats ( four-six weeks ) could be restored by a dose of insulin ( 8 U/kg/day ) that only partially corrected their plasma glucose and body weight ( Rogers & Larkins , 1981 ) .
24 It was her air of nervous tension that set her apart from the other passengers as she jumped from the train at Stowbridge , searching the platform with a fraught expression that only partially lifted when she caught sight of Melissa .
25 She has the bulkiness of a mother figure , plaited Afro braids and , at first , a cautious smile that only gradually gives way to full-hearted laughter .
26 His promise that only soundly financed banks would be allowed to open restored confidence , and the immediate crisis passed .
27 Yet he had a way of manipulating our conversations on to ground of his choosing where he spoke so admirably that only afterwards did one realize how other issues , other questions , had been delicately side-stepped .
28 His voice was low , equable and leisurely ; so much so that only afterwards did it dawn upon Charlotte how very few minutes the whole interview had occupied .
29 The welcoming party for Ali Bacher , first off the plane , and the 94-strong South African party was only a small one , comprising Jamaican and West Indian Board officials and assorted media , but all present knew they had witnessed a piece of history that only recently seemed destined for the next century .
30 Interestingly , though , the close ties with and influence of medicine have meant that only recently has an educational approach begun to emerge which is freed from the decision-making power of the medical profession , and from the diagnostic and treatment framework .
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