Example sentences of "[conj] did [not/n't] even " in BNC.

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1 What her reception would be she feared to imagine , and as she drew near to the Mohaka River bridge she became filled with apprehension because , now that she came to think of it , she realised she was poking her nose into something that did not even remotely concern her .
2 An old man , flab hoisted by plastiskin into the semblance of youthful buttocks and belly , strolled past in a scanty g-string but the game was given away by the static pads of fake muscle that did n't even twitch as he walked .
3 He was in the middle of more grief than he could deal with , yet he was piling onto it the commonplace misery of subterfuge , as if he had to protect some clandestine happiness that did n't even exist .
4 Suppressed maternalism it may be , but her passion shines through and she can recall in detail some animals , particularly dogs , that have been dead for half a century and some that did n't even belong to her .
5 The stink told me that the heaps were also depositories for organic matter that did n't even have the excuse of being fertilizer .
6 Not one of the big places , but one of the little shop-sized Chinese cafes that did n't even display an English menu .
7 Transitory , a panacea to stop the wail of the poor muddled infant : one that did n't even work for long .
8 I remember how her country beginnings showed themselves then : she made no fuss about seeming to be lost , nor did she work herself up into a state as the aunts would have done , just stood there patiently and quietly while I untangled her and found the way ; and did not even grumble , although after that I let her decide where we should go , which was usually across a field near the sewage plant , and along a road near the gasworks .
9 Some wills assumed this as an inexcludable entitlement and did not even mention it .
10 At first it looked harmless enough , and did not even seem to be coming from the mountain .
11 So on top of the five shows and rehearsals every day at the Rex , they did another four at the Olympia and did not even receive double salaries but only one and a half .
12 To his credit , he excoriated the lack of safety at the circuit , had the highest praise for the drivers who pulled Niki out of his burning car and did not even think in terms of his now enhanced championship chances , not only because he thought Niki would be back in Austria , but because he was honest enough to know that without the accident and Jochen having to re-start , he might himself have placed no better than third .
13 Ecalpemos , after all , was not Greek and did not even sound so to Rufus who , unlike Adam , had not received a classical education .
14 At first I was humiliated to tears ; later I became hardened ; later still I accepted it as a fact and did not even try to deny it .
15 Schinkel came specially to see the Docks , and did not even like Nash 's Regent Street .
16 These candidates simply vomited over the page everything they knew upon the two topics ; they made no attempt to bring their knowledge into relation with the question , and did not even divide off their answer by the ( a ) and ( b ) of the question .
17 On her return , Ashraf reported directly to her brother and did not even send the foreign minister a copy of her conclusions .
18 He did not make any effort to adapt any aspect of the liturgy and did not even mention the occasion .
19 We were in a hurry , and did n't even stop at a motel on the Friday night , driving 1,400 miles at a stretch .
20 Jane was no great cook , and did n't even enjoy it , but she had brought up a family of four , so quickly got her bearings in the kitchen , which was off the main circular room .
21 Yet she was n't afraid and did n't even bother to open her eyes to find out if she would have to get up and run with Gloria for the shelters .
22 She seemed to take no interest at all in his work and did n't even take care of him .
23 She turned and ran with her bike the way she had come , and did n't even stop to jump on again , until the-cows were out of sight round a bend !
24 She had never regarded herself as a very organised person , and did n't even consider she had a routine ; but when George retired , realised that she did have a kind of pattern .
25 The NY-5 loved being tuned to dropped D , settled more than happily into DADGAD , and did n't even have a problem coping with a low C on the bottom string in conjunction with a heavy plastic thumbpick .
26 The inevitable question , ‘ What did you do in the hols ? ’ would be greeted with a list of the films I had seen , and the dances and point-to-points I had been to , whereas in fact I was not allowed to go to the cinema ( perhaps for financial reasons ) , had never been to a dance in my life , and did n't even know what a point-to-point was .
27 Incredible as it may seem , I never thought about sex at all , and did n't even masturbate : starvation reduces libido .
28 Papers abroad realised they just could not match us — and did n't even bother to try .
29 Although in the early days Derek was happy to drive me around and did n't even charge me for the petrol , pretty soon our visits here and there grew so frequent and far afield that he was finding himself quite a bit out of pocket .
30 They gave me no encouragement at all and did n't even realize I was so into football .
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