Example sentences of "[conj] well as member " in BNC.

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1 Chairman is Charles Jencks , architect and author , who will preside over a small invited audience of architects and developers , as well as members of the general public .
2 Crews belonging to all five TUC-affiliated unions , as well as members of the breakaway Association of Professional Ambulance Personnel , voted 99 to 10 to threaten escalation unless Mrs Bottomley recognised ambulance workers as part of the emergency services .
3 Within the Eastern District , Berkhamsted branch ( Hertfordshire ) hung a banner proclaiming ‘ 1903-WEA-1953 ’ in the High Street for a week , using the hoardings protecting the new site of Woolworths , and also sold literature and distributed publicity from a stall in the marketplace ; Sprowston branch ( Norfolk ) arranged an exhibition of Victoriana in the village school , with local firms and libraries as well as members themselves lending material ; Peterborough branch held a garden party at the Bishop 's House , featuring addresses by Lady Simon , one of the WEA 's vice-presidents , and by Dr. Charles Morris , chairman of the National Foundation for Adult Education .
4 ‘ Large numbers of entries were received for all the competitions , which ran over the two days and were thrown open to the past members of the Club , as well as members of the Ladies and Artisans sections .
5 As individuals , as well as members of constituencies , people need the resources of language both to defend their rights and to fulfil their obligations . ’
6 Educationalists and teachers , as well as members of the Government , must come to think of schools , polytechnics , and universities as engaged in a common enterprise .
7 These latter words may be thought puzzling ; accounts are intended to protect creditors as well as members .
8 The research design has been developed after consultation with the DES as well as members of the teaching profession .
9 Executive power is vested in the President , who is elected for a five-year term by direct suffrage , and who appoints the Council of Ministers , as well as members of the judiciary and the holders of certain public offices .
10 Nevertheless , as the month progressed it became clear that the scandal involved opposition party members as well as members of the LDP .
11 In the days before the election opposition figures as well as members of the ODT-MT had predicted that no single party would win control of the new parliament .
12 This autocratic structure , combined with the military style in which he managed it , aroused the hostility of some members of the Free French community , as well as members of the British and American governments .
13 The lawyers should explain to the management team the conflicts of interest they face as members of the selling team as well as members of the buying team .
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