Example sentences of "[conj] well as man " in BNC.

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1 These ceremonies set the Church 's seal on the election , symbolized that the king was God ‘ s choice as well as man 's , and that he was set apart for the work .
2 Even in our own lifetime , within just a few years , the destruction of the Earth 's natural forests , as well as man 's industry , is increasing the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide , so subtle is the balance .
3 But for now he is as immovable as England hero Robin Smith , who blasted Graham Gooch 's men to a quickfire success , clinching his third Man of the Match award as well as Man of the Series .
4 According to him , language could only evolve once the auditory and visual association areas , that in monkeys as well as man convey impulses from the auditory and visual areas to the limbic system , themselves acquired suitable connections via yet another association area , thereby making possible so-called non-limbic , cross-modal associations .
5 Throughout this letter John has been insisting that Jesus Christ is God as well as man .
6 He says we ca n't until we 're properly married in the eyes of God as well as man ; he says it 's worth waiting for .
7 People ( women as well as men ) often have fatal heart attacks at an earlier age .
8 We 've all seen pictures of Page 3 girls and pornographic images of women showing the female body in a constantly inviting , sexual way just walking into a newsagent 's on a Sunday morning often means you are surrounded by them ) and it is hardly surprising if girls themselves , as well as men , sometimes feel confused ; believing that girls might ‘ want ’ to be raped , or are asking for trouble , if they dress up to go out , or behave independently by going out or walking home alone .
9 When they left four hours later , 500 of the villagers , children and women as well as men , were dead .
10 Is it possible for the Church of England to proclaim this redemption with integrity and conviction in our day unless it ordains women as well as men as priests ?
11 The duties of class leaders ( women as well as men in 1847 ) were to ‘ ask each member in turn to speak of their experience in the Christian life , after which he ( she ) would give a word of encouragement , advice or reproof , as was necessary . ’
12 It was this that accounted for [ the ] breadth and resiliency [ of the militancy ] , its tendency to spill over the boundaries of normal industrial action , its unique ability to involve women as well as men , and its political dimensions .
13 Egalitarian feminist psychologists try to make the discipline fairer , by using gender-balanced procedures with both female and male subjects , and by bringing traits associated with women as well as men into psychological design .
14 Qureshi and Simon 's ( 1987 ) work , on exchanges of assistance between elderly people and their kin , and Wilson 's ( 1987 ) findings on grandparents ' support for their grandchildren , both show that women as well as men give economic support to younger generations , but there are some gender differences in the type of support given .
15 For example anthropologists have argued that in those societies where women are allowed to inherit as well as men this can determine many other aspects of social relations .
16 Death rates from lung cancer , coronary heart disease , chronic obstructive lung disease , peripheral vascular disease and overall mortality rates are significantly increased among women as well as men smokers .
17 Besides , even those who argue that the answer to women 's dependency/op-pression in the home is for them to take outside jobs ( as if the sort of jobs open to most women were in any way more congenial and less exploitative than housework , except in so far as they are paid ) and put their children into publicly funded day-care centres , must surely allow that some women ( as well as men , of course ) would choose freely to look after children , otherwise how are the centres to be staffed ?
18 Overcoming such discrimination is difficult , particularly if many teachers — women as well as men — are unaware of what they do .
19 And there now is the knowledge that women have a breath of sexual desires , and lives , as well as men , and in that area there certainly has been advances .
20 Again , no excuses for being without — and that applies to women as well as men .
21 Now it is a sport , and it is a skilled game you know , and I think women can play it just as well as men , or against men and you know , you can have your fans who are very strong for your women 's team tha just as much as the men , but yet , would they also be branded as hooligans because they go along and stand on the terraces and shout for the girls ?
22 People are not always satisfied with a quiet life , and women as well as men need action .
23 Passageways were pierced through the walls of houses in some places , and in others they were supported on props along the faces of warehouses and shops , and it was across one of these — a sturdy bridge of timber which was designed to withstand the weight of carts as well as men — that Burun 's party moved without very much opposition from the revellers , most of whom clearly preferred the breadth of the main streets .
24 There were quite a few people about , women as well as men , nearly all Indians , some of them on mules .
25 By interviewing up to three generations in each family , and women as well as men , the project brings a fresh approach to these questions .
26 Cultural attributes ( English language skills , style of life , adoption of US or European rather than local ‘ attitudes and values ’ ) appear to be just as important as more formal job skills in the promotion of women as well as men in the TNCs in developing countries .
27 No more did they do so in the Black Country 's nail-making trade , where the family 's output depended upon women as well as men working at the anvil .
28 When in 1795 it began holding a series of open-air demonstrations in London , surprising numbers seem to have attended — possibly more than 100,000 , given the tendency for such occasions to become " fairs " with women and children attending as well as men .
29 Furthermore , it is now clear that some of the houses were used as workshops not dwellings , and that others were occupied by women and children as well as men .
30 These religious tensions go a long way towards explaining why the party divide cut so deep into society : political strife during the first age of party did not just affect the political elite at the centre and a minority of the more affluent and better-educated classes in the localities , but all sorts of people , including those of fairly humble backgrounds , women as well as men , were caught up in the party divide .
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