Example sentences of "[conj] now you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If we do n't , although now you get the estate you ca n't , of course , inherit the title . ’
2 On board the steamer the two of them were talking about what would happen to the title if Lord Woodleigh was to die before they had any children , and Lord Woodleigh said — Sven Hjerson 's ears heard it — although now you get the estate .
3 Now I know that now you 've got or two erm splitter boxes , yes ?
4 You might as well drink that now you 've opened it .
5 Do you find that now you need the luxury of having longer in the studio ?
6 And now you got seven hundred .
7 And now you aspire to climb back somehow …
8 I woke up the other morning and I thought , once you married for company , and now you marry the company .
9 If someone was looking for The Bar in those days — because there was no name written up or sign for it , no lights at all , and not even a number on the door , Madame liked to keep it that way even when she did n't have to any more — I mean when she opened up we may all have been in a sort of hiding , and not many people knew about The Bar and our life there , but it was n't that way later , and now you know we can have lights and advertising and you see boys queueing up outside every night , very public , and I like to see that — but in those days , in those days if somebody arranged to meet you for a date there , and it was their first time and they were n't sure how to find us , you 'd joke with them , and you 'd say well first there is a wedding , and then there 's a death , and there 's the news , and then there 's us ; meaning , first there 's the shop with the flowers , the real ones , and next door to that is the undertaker 's with the fake flowers in the window , china , all dusty ; and then the newsagent 's and magazine shop , and then right next door to that is The Bar .
10 And now you know how she despises me ! ’
11 And now you devote a whole issue ( NI 179 ) to a ridiculous game — giving gold medals to the countries you approve of and dumping on the countries you do n't .
12 This morning you mysteriously slide me a note telling me to ask you out and now you claim I 'm not really a journalist even though my credentials were thoroughly checked out by your plant manager before he let me near the place .
13 We 've got a lovely telly with a twelve-inch screen and now you come asking for a book !
14 ‘ You do n't come when you 're wanted , and now you come when you 're not wanted !
15 You 've got your candidate , you 've got a date , you 've got your strategy and organization and now you 've got to put theory into practice .
16 I 've always thought that women were great copers and now you 've confirmed it .
17 ‘ Got your arses whipped in Nicaragua , and now you 've lost it all in bloody buggering Arizona , ’ Jitters shouted , keeping up with the broken American .
18 And now you 've got cake !
19 And now you 've asked the question — do you want Charles to be King or would Di be the better monarch — here 's your chance to answer it .
20 ‘ You are an ignorant , uneducated girl and now you 've delivered your message , you 'd better leave . ’
21 And now you 've been warned off , which confirms your suspicions . ’
22 All this time you 've been living a dream , and now you 've seen that dream in the flesh you torment yourself even more . ’
23 And now you 've reused it somewhere else ?
24 ‘ First that silly prat you married comes bursting in here without knocking , and now you 've made me paint my feet . ’
25 And now you 've seen Jenny , have you learned anything that letter or telephone conversation would not have told you ? ’
26 And now you 've sorted through you feelings ? ’ she queried softly , her heart tight in her chest .
27 And now you 've come down to London with no accommodation apart from that grotty little hotel , and signed a lease on a shop you 've never seen before , with no independent survey , no up-to-date trading figures and no solicitor to check the terms of the agreement ? ’
28 If you did n't think you were being blackmailed into bed , were you just looking for a man , any man , to wipe out the memory of Marcus , to prove you 're a normal , beautiful , loving woman — and now you 've proved that , you find you do n't even like the man you chose to be your therapist ? ’
29 And now you 've heard it . ’
30 ‘ You demanded the truth and now you 've got it .
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