Example sentences of "[conj] then [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And what happens is that if an embryo has the single gene for being male , it happens to have a white chromosome not surprisingly , it turns on thousands of other genes that then make the embryo into a male , but , but that single gene has to be there to act as a switch and that 's that gene is also present in alligators and crocodiles so the point I 'm making is it is just wrong to say that , that all these discoveries about genetics cut no ice with human evolution , because human things can not be influenced by single genes .
2 These are important for understanding anorexia nervosa because first , symptoms previously assumed to reflect primary psychopathology are now recognised as common to starving people whatever the cause and , second , starvation leads to secondary symptoms that then play a critical part in perpetuating the disorder .
3 In making drills for practice , you first of all have to decide what the problem is and then design a drill to overcome it .
4 It is useful to decide before the accounts system is installed on exactly what analysis is going to be needed and then design the books ( or buy the packages ) needed to meet these ends .
5 This means that we must examine the data carefully to see whether there is any difference in meaning between the uses with and without to , and then seek an explanation for the curious appearance of to with this sense of know .
6 The second step of every hornpipe is ‘ hauling up the anchor ’ : the sailors stand one behind the other in line , bend down , grasp the rope with both hands , haul it backwards and then relax a moment before repeating the grasp and haul .
7 Knowing 1 , we now form the matrix 1I — A ; if we put r = 0,1 in ( 13 ) , multiply the first by 1 and then subtract the second : unc Premultiplication of this by
8 If we can generate the representation of this complete set of degrees of freedom for the isolated atoms , and then subtract the representation of the external motions , we would obtain the representation Γ vib of the whole set of molecular vibrations .
9 Using national newspapers , select at least one job which is of interest to you and then write a letter of application .
10 Yeah ring them up and ask them and then write a letter
11 Think about this , and then write the diary as if you were Becky .
12 He would closet himself with a bottle of port and a cigar or pipe , read the end of the previous instalment , and then write the next , drawing his fee when he handed over the text .
13 But we used to have to take notes during the lecture a and then write the lectures up afterwards .
14 Nor is it usual for the foreign press to first travel and then write the story .
15 Sprinkle with the breadcrumbs and then moisten the contents of the dish with the vegetable stock .
16 It neatly sidesteps the whole process of undoing and pouring spray by allowing operators to puncture the cans and then let the spray be rinsed straight into the sprayer .
17 When he was only forty feet from the Ilyushin , with his right wing now pointing straight up , its tip just a few feet from the airliner 's belly , Duncan pulled back on the left engine and then let the drag pull the plane level .
18 He must tie one end of the string to the opening of the cave and then let the ball unwind as he went down into the labyrinth .
19 creating a common consciousness and then let the peasants go with that .
20 You open the top and then let the cats in at the bottom !
21 erm I think in a way to , as many a parent knows , to act instantly , cause some pain , and then let the matter drop , is a very good system in some senses , but is it , is it a good thing to have happening in the middle of traffic ? erm I suggest that on the whole something might be gained if this was tried here .
22 The usual way to overcome this problem is to cover the specimen with a liquid to protect it from the vacuum and then increase the power of the electron beam so that it can penetrate the protective fluid .
23 Base the idea and structure building on that and then increase the incidentals as you go along .
24 Even if we multiply this by three to allow for the greater number who considered themselves adherents although they had not joined the Society , and then increase the resulting 200,000 to half a million to allow for more casual " hearers " , this is still not a large fraction of a population of 10 million .
25 They are often expected to spend days on the march , even sleeping in the saddle , and then fight a pitched battle .
26 Clamping one of these rulers to the board and keeping both rulers together , I cut the first groove , and then widen the groove by putting a shim between the rulers .
27 Yes , Dock Commission sold the dredger , they sold the hoppers and then last the steam hopper went from here to Harwich and what they done at Harwich they , on the foredeck , see a big hopper , what we call hopper number three , they put a crane on there and use it t as a hopper then and
28 Best summed up by secretary , Jim Crewe ACIB : ‘ The day started fairly easily with our having to negotiate a minefield and then climb a greasy pole — everyday activities for today 's modern banker !
29 Drink this pure and ‘ crystallised ’ water as soon as you wake up , and then refill the glass for the next time .
30 The best return route is to descend steeply to Red Tarn below Crinkle Crags and then follow the broken track beside Brown Gill into Oxendale , with the shapely Langdale Pikes dominating the skyline ahead .
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