Example sentences of "[conj] so [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In their last wage packets , Harvard did not pay the £2,000 or so each that they were expecting .
2 When Travis seemed in need of another stiff drink , Sebastian served him liberally and , Travis 's tongue more free than it had ever been , he spoke of his love for Rosemary , his wish to marry her , but how because of her sense of propriety she would n't even let him take her out , or so much as mention her name to his family .
3 Had we used the eighty five ones , the housing provision would be some ten thousand or so fewer than it is .
4 When the prince heard the story , over a conference table littered with notes , despatches and letters , he first opened eyes and mouth wide with shock and disbelief , and cried : ‘ Never say so ! ’ and then as suddenly laughed aloud , crowing : ‘ A judgment ! ’ , looking , for once , a year or so less than his age and capable of mischief ; and then he looked very grave indeed , and sat staring moodily at his table-full of papers , and said , dismayed : ‘ The king will be out of himself with anger .
5 Rationalists and moralists have always been at least a little uneasy about admitting that so much that they most value comes out of the vast area of human behaviour which shares the spontaneity of physical events .
6 Yet I offer to you as much as I possess , and so much as old age has left me , with the utmost satisfaction , as being at least a testimony to the instruction and delight that I have received from your marvellous invention .
7 TV missed the end of Empire , except for little bits like the Argyll Highlanders ' steamy evacuation from Aden in 1967 , but it caught the Vietnam War , the Nigerian Civil War , and so much as it was permitted in the Falklands .
8 And so more than ever the ‘ voluntary ’ CAB finds itself carrying out what should be in effect a statutory task .
9 A suit of Khornate Chaos armour stands pinioned to one wall ; if so much as touched ( or if directly attacked ) it will attack the adventurers .
10 It has mass , but so little that the nucleus has some 99.99 per cent of the weight of an atom .
11 This was Cultra , where an introduction was de rigueur before so much as a cocktail could be taken .
12 It was not , alas , I who had been inadvertently left alone for two minutes in an antechamber where by chance lay the plan of the Althaus plumbing system — to prove , as so much that is missing does , the crucial piece of evidence when , later , people were trying to fit together the events that fired the conflagration of the civilised world .
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