Example sentences of "[conj] been [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No I do n't , she 's obviously been before or been involved with it before What time does Tony want picking up ?
2 Her own preference was for retracing Maurice 's route at first light in case he had suffered a breakdown or been involved in an accident .
3 By the first Friday , I had either worked , or been on-call for thirty hours , and I was beginning to wonder why anyone wanted to become a doctor , for I was extremely tired , and nothing of any real interest had yet happened .
4 We should dearly have loved to have cried or been sick on many a social occasion .
5 At times he had been his conscience too — when the Prince had lost his temper or been rude to someone , Colborne would write him a note and tell him so .
6 The following table shows where a sample of school-leavers who had either been on a government Youth Opportunities Scheme ( YOPS ) or been unemployed for six weeks by the beginning of October 1978 had ended up by April 1979 .
7 What I have deplored or been sceptical about they would find admirable .
8 She 's always been my mother I 've hated or been ashamed of .
9 He had exhibited in Moscow under a pseudonym and been pleased with the critical reaction .
10 When Noël Coward viewed this apparition , having just received and been pleased with his portrait-photograph , he said , ‘ Parkinson , your photography is very good , but you will learn that people who have talent dress like stockbrokers ’ .
11 On an emotional and spiritual ‘ low ’ , she had accepted , and been grateful for , his advice , his support , his protection .
12 Is he aware that a similar campaign was carried out by the hon. Member for Livingston ( Mr. Cook ) against trust hospitals in England , which have now delivered more patient care , cut waiting lists and been innovative in the service that they offer to patients ?
13 To have advanced within the job and achieved rank means he is likely to have followed and supported institutional precedents without question , and to have unwittingly accepted and been involved in the reproduction of the narrow modes of thought and practice demanded by the culture .
14 It seems possible that such a latter unit may well have served briefly on the island at this time , and been involved in this particular combat .
15 Under section 14(4) , the Secretary of State for Transport might dispense with the nationality condition in the case of an individual in view of the length of time he had resided in the United Kingdom and been involved in the fishing industry of the United Kingdom .
16 ‘ Where , in the case of any fishing vessel , the Secretary of State is satisfied that — ( a ) the vessel would be eligible to be registered as a British fishing vessel but for the fact that any particular individual , or ( as the case may be ) each of a number of particular individuals , is not a British citizen ( and is accordingly not a qualified person ) , and ( b ) it would be appropriate to dispense with the requirement of British citizenship in the case of that individual or those individuals , in view of the length of time he has or they have resided in the United Kingdom and been involved in the fishing industry of the United Kingdom , the Secretary of State may determine that that requirement should be so dispensed with ; and , if he does so , the vessel shall , so long as paragraph ( a ) above applies to it and any such determination remains in force , be treated for the purposes of this Part as eligible to be registered as a British fishing vessel .
17 Lastly , the power vested in the Secretary of State under section 14(4) of the Act of 1988 to dispense with the nationality requirement in the case of one ( or more ) individuals in view of the length of time he has ( or they have ) resided in the United Kingdom and been involved in the fishing industry there , is not such as to make the nationality requirements compatible with the E.E.C .
18 Lastly , under section 14(4) , the Secretary of State for Transport could dispense with the nationality condition in the case of an individual in view of the length of time he had resided in the United Kingdom and been involved in the fishing industry of the United Kingdom .
19 If I had known how awfully bitter this love would be , I 'd have avoided you , and been deaf to you !
20 HAVE YOU EVER DRUNK A PINT OF Guinness in a pub or club and been disappointed by its quality ?
21 If you look at the history of the band , songs like I Was Made For Loving You , which had a kind of dance feel , we could have done much more of that and been successful with it .
22 Women who are used to controlling their body , who 've kept fit , well-nourished and been efficient about contraception , sometimes find it hard to adjust to a state in which they are no longer fully in control .
23 He said Oliver was extremely embarrassed , as well he might have been , because he was buying flowers to make his peace with a girl he 'd gone to bed with the night before and been impotent with .
24 He 'd gone and been impressed with what he 'd been told by the visiting medium , though he was n't convinced .
25 Throughout his travels he had met and been impressed by fellow globetrotters from China , and had slowly formulated a plan to create a thorough visual documentation of Chinese civilisation .
26 I think would have probably , had more , if we 'd had more time and reversed all and been clearer on our roles .
27 He was frightened , despite the encouraging winks of Deuce and the occasional smile from Doug ; disoriented amid the tropical forest-sized plants , the silent , ceaseless escalators , the glass walls and lifts , the page boys in scarlet and green livery and all manner of sights which would normally have thrilled him and been companionable to his mind and stored for his sister .
28 The office looked as if it had fallen under the same spell of passing time as Dexter , and been unoccupied for weeks rather than hours — the motes of dust , the grime of London gently settling on files , videotapes and yellowing newspapers .
29 The continental ice sheet that lies three kilometres thick at Dome C in East Antarctica ( Figure 3 ) creeps slowly coastward in all directions , carrying meteorites that have fallen on its vast , 13-million-square-kilometre surface and been frozen-in for thousands , or possibly millions , of years .
30 He might still have loved her and been capable of persuasion .
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