Example sentences of "[conj] has [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This same invincible figure has been held responsible for some blunder , or has for some other reason fallen out of favour with his employers , leaves the house where he came to fame and is never heard of again .
2 ‘ The recognizable direction of social development ’ , she concluded , ‘ has made it clear to me that there is no social class in Poland that has at one and the same time both an interest in , and an ability to achieve , the restoration of Poland ’ .
3 I ask the Minister to consider what impact that has on innocent people and their families .
4 There is a puzzle that has for many years intrigued mathematicians and philosophers .
5 This paper will address later the way this sort of e-mail is used and the implications that has for legal and records management departments .
6 One area that has since 1972 been recognised as a region of many UFO sightings is in the Pennine foothills surrounding Leeds and Manchester , an area that also has a high concentration of active faults .
7 Conversely , most of the group 's competitors offer modular software that has to processed in batch , generally overnight .
8 It 's the one room that has in some way to accommodate the changing interests of all members of the family ; it 's also the room that is most on show , the room where your guests stay the longest .
9 Mr Moynihan blamed his defeat on the ‘ collapse of the Liberal Democrat vote , which came from Labour some years ago and has to some extent returned there ’ .
10 She is an APRS member and has for many years been a life member of other heritage and conservation bodies .
11 Although the famous gallery owner is thinking of retiring and has for some time been searching for an institution to take on his private collection , the title of the event ‘ TransForm ’ is not a veiled reference to his forthcoming conversion from art dealer to museum collector .
12 Europe now produces more food than she needs and has for some years been supporting a section of industry that provides employment for less than 1% of our National workforce ; good for British agriculture , but how much better if the support had gone to those industries that took up a greater proportion of the work force , i.e. the engineers with 10% .
13 If so he wonders if the patient needs to cry and has for some reason stopped himself .
14 From its Midlands grassroots in the Clean-up TV Campaign , the NVALA has grown into an organisation with over 30,000 members , and has on several occasions organised nationwide petitions which have secured a formidable number of signatures .
15 Title to the property is and has at all material times been registered at H.M.
16 It has been traditionally hunted for food and as a source of medicinal oil , and has in recent years been accidentally captured in fishing nets .
17 Speranskii 's consequent package of reforms is too complex to be analysed in detail at this point , and has in any case been thoroughly investigated by Marc Raeff .
18 The NSFU " urged its members to assist the government in every possible way and has in numerous cases been the means of healing differences and preventing stoppages " .
19 er he wants money coming in to the central fund er if has in two years time to face a , a trial , these allegations so be it , but meanwhile he wants the money to come in to the central fund for the reason he 's outlined
20 The creature is often seen on the Idwal Slabs in North Wales and Stanage and Laddow Rocks in the South Pennines but has of recent years migrated on to the Craven limestone .
21 It was almost certainly held together with dowels but has in any case been rebuilt twice , in 1867 and 1904 , with the use of ample numbers of bolts .
22 Fingerspelling does not , therefore , stand alone as a system but has in most cases become part of sign language for adult deaf People .
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